Open Space: Decision to reopen economy now was a good one

The Province of British Columbia has started to ease up the heavy restrictions placed during the kick-off of the COVID-19 pandemic. This means that non-essential services and businesses such as elective surgeries, dental offices, hair salons, and restaurants are all starting to reopen. For me, it feels like it hasn’t been that long since these […]

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Open Space: As we go through phase two, think of the environment

There is no doubt about it: we are at war. But not the type of war we have grown accustomed to. No, we are at war with our opinions. Especially when we start to prepare for life post-COVID-19. Many people have strong opinions about how we best prepare for this. Some say that it’s fine […]

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Open Space: Don’t stop following government guidelines in phase two

This week will see British Columbia businesses and citiens adapting to the second phase of the provincial government’s plan to keep the province safe amidst a global pandemic. Although BC moving into an evolved form of physical distancing seems enticing, there’s been a clear over-estimation on behalf of the government of the public’s ability to […]

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Opinion: Canada Emergency Student Benefit helpful but confusing

Camosun students were excited when prime minister Justin Trudeau announced the Canada Emergency Student Benefit (CESB) on April 22. But, as we reported at the time, some were wary, as well. I know I was, since I had applied for unemployment benefits in the past but got denied because of the many picky details that […]

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Dealing with anxiety during COVID-19

It’s only been a few years since it became apparent to me that even though most people deal with anxiety to some degree, not everyone feels anxious virtually every waking moment. I was already into my 30s before I realized that I myself felt acutely anxious nearly all day, every day. But I could not […]

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Camosun Visual Arts students take year-end exhibit online

Camosun College’s 2020 Visual Arts grads have had to take their year-end exhibit to the internet. Originally, the Visual Arts grad show was supposed to run for two weeks in April, but because of current limits on in-person activities due to COVID-19 concerns, it will run from May until September online. Second-year Visual Arts student […]

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Student editor’s letter: Reservations about reopening

It’s day 63 for me. I’ve grown to hate the Q-word (you know the one). It’s a negative word used to describe something that’s paying off and necessary, and, therefore, positive. But I also hate it when people decide the word is the issue, when really it’s so often the associations of the word, or […]

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Camosun College gives more detail on fall plans

On Thursday, May 14, Camosun College announced that it would be delivering a mix of online and in-person classes in the fall, noting that in-person classes are only possible if rates of COVID-19 transmission in BC remain low or in decline. Camosun vice president of education John Boraas says that there’s a lot the college […]

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Camosun to offer mix of online and in-person classes in fall

Camosun College has announced that it will be offering a mixture of online and in-person classes this fall. Programs that can be done online will remain online, while programs that require hands-on elements will be taught in person. The University of Victoria and Royal Roads University recently announced they would be offering primarily online classes […]

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