Camosun seeks student feedback on Sexual Violence and Misconduct Policy

Camosun College is seeking student input on its Sexual Violence and Misconduct Policy. As part of the provincial Sexual Violence and Misconduct Policy Act, the college is required to review the policy every three years; Camosun vice president of student experience Heather Cummings says that when the policy was reviewed recently, they had aspects pointed […]

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Politics and Other Nonsense: Caution is key with reopening

With the reopening process underway in BC, people are starting to ease up on cautionary measures such as using hand sanitizer, which is really not good or productive. Even though businesses are opening back up, we are far from being out of the woods. By people being more lax with safety measures, they are putting […]

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The Examined Life: Coping with COVID: a stoic perspective

We are very fortunate to be living on Vancouver Island in the midst of this pandemic, as we benefit from the natural geographic isolation an island affords. We find ourselves in one of the safest places to be as restrictions start relaxing and the city slowly reopens. Still, some may find it difficult to resume […]

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Freedom from Addiction: Alchemy

I was talking to friend recently about language. He said to me, “You are honest and smart. I think you owe it to yourself to be more precise with your language.” I had told him in a text message that I was feeling unloved that day. Specifically the word “love” was the lack of precision […]

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New Music Revue: Soft Plastics delivers new sound with familiar faces

Soft Plastics 5 Dreams (Paper Bag Records) 4/5 It feels like it was just yesterday that the once-Victoria-based indie rockers Frog Eyes announced that the release of their eighth LP, 2018’s Violet Psalms, would be paired with a farewell tour. Months later, frontman Carey Mercer was back at it, writing what would become tracks on […]

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Student Editor’s Letter: Desperately positive

I can’t be the only member of the Camosun community feeling like things are never going to be back to normal again on campus. After seeing a photo on the Nexus website of the sandwich boards displayed on campus right now, it’s hard to not feel like the dystopia we recently wrote a warning about […]

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Because I Said So: How becoming a parent prepared me for post-secondary

Yes, becoming a parent can be exciting, but it’s also a tremendous challenge. Let’s not kid ourselves: nothing can really prepare the parent-to-be for what lays ahead. Sleepless nights, breastfeeding, cholic, illness… The list goes on. And, no matter how much our children change and grow, the challenge of parenting remains. But we did it. […]

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Open Space: Don’t let the “new normal” become a dystopia

After weeks of lockdown, BC is now deep into phase two of its COVID-19 recovery strategy, and, assuming transmission rates of COVID-19 stay low, is set to enter phase three sometime in June, meaning that more restrictions will be lifted and citizens can ease into a “new normal.” After the bizarre and distressing experience of […]

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Former Camosun student society board member makes face masks for COVID-19 protection

When the provincial shutdown began in mid-March—before wearing masks was widely recommended—former Camosun Business Administration student and Camosun College Student Society Interurban director Ellen Young began sewing masks as an avenue to empowerment in turbulent times. “When this whole thing started, I was feeling very down about it all,” she says. “It was scary and […]

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