Student Editor’s Letter: Between these same four walls

2020 has passed: there are three words I honestly didn’t think I’d ever say. In some ways, it feels like the year lasted a decade; in others, it feels more like one blurry clump of nothingness. It was a long one, a dark one, and a lonely one any way you slice it. But, if […]

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Open Space: 2021 is the year of positive change

Normally, New Year’s is a highly festive time of year. It’s a holiday where students gather to bring in a new year and to celebrate all of the accomplishments the previous year brought with it. New Year’s is an incredibly important tradition for our society, especially this year. Yes, COVID-19 is still here, we’re smack […]

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Open Space: New year, same me

Goodbye 2020, and hello 2021! The past 12 months really threw a lot at us. There were bushfires in Australia, murder hornets in BC, Black Lives Matter protests across North America, and a worldwide pandemic. With such a whirlwind year finally behind us, I think many people are breathing out a huge sigh of relief. […]

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Meet Your Writers: Nexus contributing writer Emily Welch

Our team of writers work relentlessly behind the scenes to keep the Nexus site constantly updated, but who are these mysterious Camosun College students who keep us supplied with stories? Wonder no more, as our new series Meet Your Writers will help you get to know the names behind the pieces you read at Nexus. […]

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Camosun and Concert Properties partner on mobile, province-wide trades training

Camosun College has partnered with Vancouver-based real estate company Concert Properties to bring hands-on mobile trades training to remote BC communities. In April of 2019, Concert Properties committed to donating $250,000 over three years to allow Camosun to expand its Trades for Success program, which focuses on bringing trades education to youth, adult, and K-12 […]

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Unsettled and Striving: Extraction is not resilience

There is an enormous empty chasm in communication within this country right now. All across so-called “Canada” there is a rift developing that is setting Indigenous nations and their allies against the Canadian government and big corporations (specifically in the oil and gas industry). I am watching Indigenous communities stand in solidarity against fully militarized […]

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Camosun automotive students get donation of tools from foundation

Camosun College has received additional tool sets for their automotive students thanks to a recent donation from a Maple Ridge-based foundation. The Ed Coates Memorial Foundation—a foundation formed after Lordco Auto Parts co-founder/president/CEO Ed Coates, who was passionate about sustainability and the automotive industry, passed away in 2014—recently donated 12 tool kits to the college. […]

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The Examined Life: Conspiracies

Klaus Conrad, a psychiatrist, coined the term “apophenia” in 1958. It means to perceive pattern or meaning where there is none. He theorized that it was a natural human tendency to make these connections. Usually this term refers to patterns in everyday things like images or numbers. But I also think it plays a role […]

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