CCSS, BCFS continue to campaign against interest on student loans

From February 8 to 12, the British Columbia Federation of Students (BCFS) participated in The Week of Action, a week-long effort that was part of the two-year Knock Out Interest campaign. Through the campaign, the BCFS—along with 40 student unions across Canada, including the Camosun College Student Society—is calling on the federal government to eliminate […]

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Victoria Film Festival 2021 review: Marlene

When it comes to positive things you can say about COVID-19, the list is very short, but one of the few things that this pandemic has done is reinvigorate the need for inspirational art. With her new film Marlene, Calgary-based director Wendy Hill-Tout proves how essential inspirational art is. Marlene revolves around Marlene Truscott’s side […]

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Victoria Film Festival 2021 review: Queen of the Andes

As horrific as this past year was for most of us, 2020 will go down as the year when science prevailed. This past year brought new, effective vaccines, the potential discovery of life-preserving levels of phosphine on Venus’ surface, and the finding of more bodies of salt water on Mars. Discoveries like these have effectively […]

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An Inside Voice: Keep on keeping on

It’s one thing to be an online student by choice; it’s quite another to have the situation thrust upon us, as we have in this pandemic. We went from being carefree and crowded on campus—happy as anything to shake hands with a stranger or walk arm in arm with a friend to class—to having classes […]

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Victoria Film Festival 2021 review: Agnes Joy

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed a lot, but what Icelandic film director Silja Hauksdóttir proves with Agnes Joy is that no pandemic will ever change the motherly love that all mothers have for their kids and how the subject of growing up brings up emotions for any parent. Agnes Joy is a fabulous movie that […]

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Victoria Film Festival 2021 review: The Secret Garden

When I saw that I had a chance to review The Secret Garden, screening at this year’s Victoria Film Festival, I was full of anticipation, thinking that with such a beloved classic, it was likely that the original storyline and atmosphere would be respected, and since Colin Firth would be bringing his lovely English ways […]

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Victoria Film Festival 2021 review: Ronnie’s

Right from Ronnie’s opening credits, director Oliver Murray couples amazing footage with a who’s-who cast list, while a sweat-soaked Oscar Peterson plays a mindblowing version of his 1966 standard “Blues Etude.” Ronnie’s is comprised of a wonderfully curated collage of stills, sound clips, and archival footage that subtly guides us through a number of narrative […]

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Camosun student explores Indigenous horror folklore in new podcast

Camosun second-year Business Administration student Josef Stafford is the co-creator of The Historical Natives, an online podcast all about Indigenous North American horror folklore. Along with co-host Mackenzie Taylor, Stafford explores different cryptids from across the continent. “We tell the history, geography, and language of the specific peoples related to the creature we’re talking about,” […]

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