New exhibit remembers chilling shipwreck off Vancouver Island

A few minutes before midnight on January 22, 1906, a large passenger steamer packed with passengers veered from its course during a heavy gale and smashed into a reef off the southwest coast of Vancouver Island, its hull breached and flooding with icy seawater. The lights failed on the ship, plunging the terrified passengers into […]

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Camosun Classes Abroad: The light at the end of the learning-online tunnel

Most international students took a breath of relief after being informed that this fall semester will be in person. I’m sure each and every one of us is looking forward to the day when we will be learning in person in classrooms. Even before the pandemic, it was predicted that future generations would possibly get […]

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Twin Kennedy expands conversation on equality with new collaborative single

For Powell River-raised, UVic-graduated country/roots duo Twin Kennedy, it’s all about spreading positivity, strength, and love through music. For their latest single, “Wise Woman,” the two—identical twins Julie (vocals/fiddle) and Carli Kennedy (vocals/guitar)—teamed up with Nashville-based country singer Mallory Johnson to add to the narrative around feminism and equality. The song is being launched in […]

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Freedom from Addiction: Dropping defensiveness is a strength, not a weakness

Addicts are masters of defense. We defend parts of our psyche that have been harmed and have not recovered. We, in turn, defend our addictions, which feel like integral parts of who we are and seem wholly necessary for our well-being, or even for our survival. All forms of addiction, arguably, have similar roots of […]

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Student Editor’s Letter: The importance of fun

Spring is officially here—it’s incredible what a bit of sunlight and cherry blossoms can do for the soul. As I write this, the sun is streaming through my window, my cat is laying in a sunbeam, and a best of B.B. King playlist is playing; there are certain sunny afternoons where some good ol’ blues […]

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Camosun alumni Michael Wilford finalist for International Songwriting Competition

We’re all yearning for good news after the year we’ve had. Camosun alumni Michael Wilford found just that when he opened up his email one morning recently and found out that he has made it into the finals of the International Songwriting Competition’s blues category for his inspiring song “Scotch.” Over 26,000 songs were submitted […]

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Unsettled and Striving: Striving for truth

In September, when the editor of Nexus and I hashed out the details of this column, I realized that Unsettled and Striving would benefit me most of all. At that point I hadn’t written anything in 2020, and, like so many others, I was feeling lost and depleted with the strict social-distancing and isolation regulations. […]

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25 Years Ago in Nexus: March 19, 2021 web exclusive

A council divided: The story “Differing views cause ill feelings among CCSS Council members” in our March 18, 1996 issue painted a picture of a Camosun College Student Society (CCSS) divided. “They are coming crying to the school newspaper that they have been treated unfairly but I think they should take a look at themselves […]

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New Music Revue: Real Numbers deep dive into ’80s indie-pop with mixed results

Real Numbers Brighter Then (Slumberland Records) 2.5/5 Real Numbers’ last album, Wordless Wonder, came out in 2016, but the Minneapolis-based band has finally released a new EP, Brighter Then. The EP was recorded last winter and shows the band journeying deeper into late-’80s indie-pop. The five-song EP is very rhythmic and easy to listen to, […]

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