Student Editor’s Letter: Spring-semester conflicts

With spring classes starting this week, students are gearing up for seven really intense weeks of studying. For me, spring classes have always been a double-edged sword. They’re done quicker, but can a person really learn—actually absorb and keep—information in half the amount of time of a normal semester? Of course some people can, but […]

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Government gives details for post-secondary in fall

The provincial government has released more details on what post-secondary institutions, such as Camosun College, will look like in the fall. The COVID-19 Return to Campus Primer was released last week and gives information about the return of on-campus classes at post-secondary institutions. The primer’s recommendations are based on the context that by September, it […]

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Nic’s Flicks: Nomadland an award-winner for good reason

Nomadland (2020) 3.5/4 What recent Oscar-winning film director Chloé Zhao does so well with her stunning Nomadland is expertly combine the nomad’s fascinating lifestyle, Frances McDormand’s master-class  performance, a hard-working crew, and the film’s timely messages about grief and loss, putting it all into one Academy Award-winning movie. But McDormand is what I liked best […]

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Looking for Tiger Lily explores Indigenous culture at UNO Fest

Every year, artists contribute to festivals around the globe to help celebrate the value of art and its ability to cover challenging topics, like racism and gender issues, that some attendees would perhaps not be thinking about. A good example of this is Victoria’s own UNO Fest, which is running online from April 20 to […]

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News Briefs: April 30, 2021 web exclusive

Masks now mandatory in Camosun classrooms Camosun College updated its website on April 27 to say that masks are now mandatory for students in all classrooms and can no longer be removed when sitting at a desk, even when physically distanced. This is the result of a change in the Provincial Health Officer Workplace and […]

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Let’s Talk 2.0: The history of pink and femininity

A normal human eye has three types of cone cells, each of which can register around 100 distinct colour shades. Most experts believe that we can differentiate about 1,000,000 different colours. So, of all the colours available to us, why is pink equated with femininity? In January of 1953, Dwight Eisenhower became the 34th president […]

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Student Editor’s Letter: Camosun needs to address what Bonnie Henry won’t

Running a college must be a tough job to do at any point, but especially now, considering the lack of detail around provincial health officer Bonnie Henry’s announcement in March that post-secondary institutions can prepare for a full return in September. In pandemic time, those words were uttered half a century ago. It’s time for […]

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Spring Beatles blends theatre, film, live music, and streaming into one

Everyone can find something to like about the Beatles, says Victoria-based director Jacob Richmond, who is directing Spring Beatles, a five-person Beatles tribute show being livestreamed by Blue Bridge Repertory Theatre, starting today. Richmond’s second stab at online directing is still an experiment, he says, because of the many different artistic mediums this show demands. […]

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Newly elected Camosun College Student Society external executive ready to advocate for students

The Camosun College Student Society (CCSS) held its student elections from April 12 to 14. Afaf Burrow was elected as women’s director, and Arshnoor Kaur as student wellness and access director. Gavinjit Bassi is the Lansdowne executive; Angela Chou is a Lansdowne director. Sneha Mary Chacko is the Interurban executive. Monika Bhardwaj is the international […]

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Camosun Classes Abroad: Exams abroad

Exams are here! Actually, for any international student studying remotely, exams from abroad are here. We hardly thought we would make it to this point, but, eventually, we did. Initially, the exam structure of any Canadian college would come as a surprise for many international students from Asia and other parts of the world, with […]

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