Open Space: Co-op work term placements an important part of college education

While there are many reasons people choose to pursue post-secondary education, one prominent reason for enrolling is to build a career. Education is a powerful step forward to qualify for many job positions in all different fields and industries, however, I believe education alone often isn’t enough to develop the appropriate workplace skills and land […]

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Open Space: Standards of beauty for women still harmful

Society is hard on women. As long as history has been recorded women have been told that they are to be subservient, that they are “the lesser sex” or the “fairer sex.” Women have been thought of as ornaments and have been told that they are weak and if they get upset about this, then […]

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Open Space: Food insecurity an unnecessary crisis

Stop wasting food, Canada—starving students have suffered enough. Post-secondary students across Canada are grappling with food insecurity, a stark reality that hinders their ability to thrive academically and personally. With rising tuition fees and housing costs, and limited financial aid, many students find themselves unable to afford nutritious meals regularly. The resulting conditions are poorer […]

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Open Space: Camosun needs to support Palestine

 Palestinian cause is crucial, as so-called Canada and Israel are both on stolen lands—here it’s Indigenous peoples, there it’s Palestinians. The legacy of colonial occupation by way of Western powers is shared between Turtle Island and Palestine. Although many institutions acknowledge that they are on stolen lands, it’s vital to recognize the stolen status of […]

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25 Years Ago in Nexus: April 3, 2024 issue

Goodbye drama: Our April 6, 1999, issue featured a resolution to a drama I’ve been following closely for months, closing the chapter on the battle of student privacy versus the installation of closed circuit cameras at Camosun College. The issue was solved amicably so that all parties involved were satisfied (yawn-fest). After student-led petitions and […]

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Open Space: CAL application process needs to be streamlined

Every night, my regimen looks similar: brushing my teeth, washing my face, and taking two 100 mg pink tablets of Lamotrigine before bed. I was diagnosed in 2021 after a longwinded process of psychiatrists and psychologists who helped create a routine that allowed me to restart my life—one with a rigid structure. Since then, moving […]

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25 Years Ago in Nexus: March 20, 2024 issue

Y2K shutdown: I can’t imagine living amongst the looming threat of the internet imploding and the world subsequently falling into chaos. This was a genuine possibility to people who were around 25 years ago, including Nexus writer Marcel Bertrand, who, in our March 22, 1999 issue, delved into the possible ramifications of the technological shutdown […]

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Open Space: Camosun needs to leave gendered bathrooms behind

Camosun College needs to get rid of gendered bathrooms on campus. There are many reasons why multi-stalled gender-neutral bathrooms benefit everyone. You don’t need to personally benefit from every reason, but you’ll benefit from at least one, and none will make your life worse. (I’m not talking about change rooms, just bathrooms.) Equity People with […]

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25 Years Ago in Nexus: March 6, 2024 issue

How things have changed: In the March 8, 1999, issue of Nexus, writer Jillian Dickens reported an eight-percent increase in international students attending Camosun College. This increase was staggering but would barely scratch the surface these days at Camosun. The grand total was 388 international students for the winter semester of 1999; there are 2,045 […]

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Open Space: Selina Robinson’s bias inappropriate for position

NDP MLA Selina Robinson was, until very recently, also the provincial minister for post-secondary education and future skills, but she showed her bias and was asked to step down. This is something that as a college student I 100 percent approve of. I would not want Robinson to be in charge of any ministry again, […]

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