Camosun College Student Society to hold Sustainability Day

The Camosun College Student Society (CCSS) will hold its Sustainability Day on Thursday, October 17. The event is being held at the Interurban campus and is focused on three “pillars,” according to CCSS sustainability director Tamara Bonsdorf: food, transport, and waste. Bonsdorf feels that the interactive aspect of the day will help instill awareness of […]

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News Briefs: October 9, 2019 issue

Camosun gets ready to shake out  On Thursday, October 17 at 10:17 am, Camosun will participate in The Great British Columbia ShakeOut provincial earthquake drill. If you’re on campus at that time, drop, cover, and hold on to a piece of furniture, and stay put for one minute. Then, gather at the nearest Emergency Assembly […]

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News Briefs: September 25, 2019 issue

Camosun participates in Orange Shirt Day  Monday, September 30 is Orange Shirt Day, a day devoted to awareness about the impacts of the residential school system. Camosun students, staff, and faculty are invited to wear an orange shirt during the event, which starts at 9:45 am at Interurban and 1 pm at Lansdowne. See […]

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Camosun officially opens Alex & Jo Campbell Centre for Health and Wellness

On Wednesday, September 11, Camosun College officially opened the Alex & Jo Campbell Centre for Health and Wellness. The four-storey, 95,000-square-foot building will house 15 health and human service disciplines and University Transfer health courses for over 1,000 students. The total cost of the building was $63.8 million ($40.3 million from the provincial government, $11 […]

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Camosun College Student Society campaign encourages students to raise their voices and vote

The Camosun College Student Society (CCSS) and the Canadian Alliance of Student Associations (CASA) are working together to launch the Get Out the Vote campaign, which encourages students to vote in the upcoming federal election. The campaign was launched at Camosun on Tuesday, September 3 and runs until October 21, which is federal election day. […]

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News Briefs: September 11, 2019 issue

Camosun students get chance to influence college policy Camosun College wants to hear from students and staff regarding policy-making decisions, and has organized events to do so. The events—called Policy Palooza—take place at both Lansdowne and Interurban campuses. The Interurban event is happening on Tuesday, October 1 in the Cafeteria annex from 1 pm until […]

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News Briefs: August 28, 2019 issue

Camosun Chargers holding tryouts From Saturday, August 31 to Friday, September 6, Camosun students can try out for the Camosun Chargers teams. The Chargers teams consist of men’s and women’s basketball, men’s and women’s volleyball, and golf. Find more details at Camosun participates in environmental action  Camosun College is one of 12 Saanich-based organizations participating […]

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International students’ health-care fees to double

The provincial government announced on Thursday, August 1 that Medical Service Plan (MSP) premiums will be eliminated on January 1, 2020. However, starting Sunday, September 1, 2019, all international students in BC will pay a monthly health-care coverage fee of $37.50 as well as their current monthly MSP premium of $37.50. When the MSP premiums […]

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News Briefs: August 7, 2019 issue

Camosun to offer three new technology programs in September Camosun College is offering three new courses in technology this September. The one-year Interactive Media Developer program will prepare students for work in game application, web development, graphic design, and user interaction. The Electrical Engineering Technology—Marine and Industrial diploma program will prepare students to enter marine […]

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Camosun eyes potential Interurban film studio

Camosun College is working with Vancouver-based construction company Lexi Development Group to discuss the feasibility of building a film studio, sound stage, and related educational facilities at its Interurban campus. This could lead to new programs for students in film-specific trades such as carpentry, metalwork, hair and makeup, and 3D animation. These discussions are still […]

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