Camosun to close Continuing Education department, announce layoffs

In an email sent out just before 3 pm on Tuesday, June 30, Camosun College announced that it will be closing its Continuing Education department as a result of the COVID-19 crisis. The college said in the email that “Continuing Education programming will be revisited in the future once the college has financially recovered from […]

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News Briefs: June 30, 2020 web exclusive

Camosun BOG gets new chair Beginning on August 1, Camosun College board of governors member Monty Bryant will assume the role of board chair, taking over from Laylee Rohani. Bryant has been on the board since January 2019, and holds member positions on several other boards and committees with Camosun and in the community. He […]

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Camosun grad wins 2020 Lieutenant Governor’s Medal for Inclusion, Democracy and Reconciliation

Camosun Indigenous Studies 2020 grad Shane Baker was recently awarded the BC Lieutenant Governor’s Medal for Inclusion, Democracy and Reconciliation. It hasn’t been an easy journey to get there, though: in 2003, Baker was deeply entrenched in alcoholism, and living a life that was lacking his First Nations culture. But after an accident that resulted […]

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Camosun celebrates Grad 2020 online

Camosun College has postponed its 2020 graduation ceremony due to COVID-19 but has taken the celebration online. Camosun president Sherri Bell says the decision to cancel in-person ceremonies was made at the last possible moment, in hopes of not having to do it, and says it was heartbreaking; 3,000 students would have walked across the […]

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Camosun VP of partnerships receives award, looks ahead to fall semester

Camosun vice president of partnerships Geoff Wilmshurst has worked hard over his career to cultivate international education in Canada. On June 1, Wilmshurst—who started at Camosun in 2011—was recognized by the British Columbia Council for International Education for his work in international education at the college, and in Victoria on the whole, including growing annual […]

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News Briefs: June 9, 2020 web exclusive

CCSS offers three-month bus pass As of Monday, June 1, BC Transit has resumed collection of fares on city buses. The Camosun College Student Society is offering students who are either currently registered or were registered last semester a bus pass valid from June 1 to August 31 for $70. The pass is available for […]

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Camosun College Student Society still going strong through pandemic

The Camosun College Student Society (CCSS) board members who were elected in to their positions in April are settling in and looking forward to the fall semester, attempting to determine the best plan of action in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. CCSS external executive Quinn Cunningham says that even with classes being moved online […]

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Camosun seeks student feedback on Sexual Violence and Misconduct Policy

Camosun College is seeking student input on its Sexual Violence and Misconduct Policy. As part of the provincial Sexual Violence and Misconduct Policy Act, the college is required to review the policy every three years; Camosun vice president of student experience Heather Cummings says that when the policy was reviewed recently, they had aspects pointed […]

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Camosun College gives more detail on fall plans

On Thursday, May 14, Camosun College announced that it would be delivering a mix of online and in-person classes in the fall, noting that in-person classes are only possible if rates of COVID-19 transmission in BC remain low or in decline. Camosun vice president of education John Boraas says that there’s a lot the college […]

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Camosun to offer mix of online and in-person classes in fall

Camosun College has announced that it will be offering a mixture of online and in-person classes this fall. Programs that can be done online will remain online, while programs that require hands-on elements will be taught in person. The University of Victoria and Royal Roads University recently announced they would be offering primarily online classes […]

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