Camosun Chargers men’s volleyball team head to nationals, men’s basketball coach takes home award

The Camosun Chargers men’s volleyball team are heading to nationals later this month after winning in the provincial finals and securing a Pacific Western Athletic Association (PACWEST) gold medal. Team captain Lorenz Vogel says that the team only found out that just the winner of the provincials goes to nationals right before they left for […]

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Camosun College Student Society to hold spring student elections

The Camosun College Student Society (CCSS) will soon be holding their annual spring elections, where students get voted on to the student society board. CCSS external executive Puneet Kaur encourages all students to participate. “I think, as with every election, it’s important to vote because you decide who should represent you. Student leaders are student […]

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Camosun Social Work student takes home co-op award

Second-year Social Work student Matthew Hicks was recently awarded Camosun College’s 2021 Yvonne Thompson Page (YTP) Co-op Student of the Year Award. Hicks worked as an electrician for 20 years before suffering a workplace injury and returning to school at age 43. “After a couple years of appointments they deemed it a permanent disability, which […]

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Camosun Automotive instructor Patrick Jones receives excellence award

The Canadian Council of Directors of Apprenticeship Award for Excellence in Apprenticeship Education may be a mouthful to say, but for one Camosun instructor, it’s an unexpected acknowledgement of a role passionately performed. Automotive Service Technician instructor and program leader Patrick Jones has been teaching at Camosun for 12 years, and winning the award came […]

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Camosun Massage Therapy students offer complimentary massages through New Roads Therapeutic Recovery Community

As part of their outreach program, Camosun College Massage Therapy students have partnered with New Roads Therapeutic Recovery Community in View Royal to offer complimentary messages to residents in treatment. New Roads is open to men over the age of 19 who are recovering from substance misuse. The Massage Therapy program typically requires outreach during […]

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Camosun College to hold Sexualized Violence Awareness Week

From February 14 to 18, Camosun will be hosting a series of online workshops discussing sexualized and gender-based violence prevention. The interactive event is organized by Camosun’s Office of Student Support (OSS) and is available for both students and staff. Because it is online this year, attendees have the opportunity to participate as much or […]

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Camosun electric vehicle maintenance training pilot programs a success

In March of last year, the province contributed $440,000 toward electric vehicle maintenance training at post-secondary institutions, and Camosun College is among the first four schools in the province to offer this training. The pilot courses began in mid-November of 2021. They ran for a week, with an additional six hours of online work. Each […]

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Camosun receives $590,000 to help students who wish to study abroad

Camosun College recently received a $500,000 grant from Colleges and Institutes Canada through the Global Skills Opportunity (GSO) program, which will allow students to experience other cultures through a study-abroad program. In addition to the GSO Grant, Camosun has received a further $90,000 through the One World Scholarship from the Irving K. Barber British Columbia […]

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Criminal Justice students organize clothing drive for Our Place

Students in Camosun College’s Criminal Justice program finished off the fall 2021 semester by collecting a classroom-sized clothing donation for Our Place. The students gathered donations from all over Victoria, which, once delivered, were all re-homed within days.  Second-year student Sean Eversfield says that “basically everyone” in the second year of the Criminal Justice program […]

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Company launches first software-testing program for Indigenous students in Canada

PLATO Testing, Canada’s only Indigenous-staffed and Indigenous-led software testing company, recently launched its Indigenous Software Tester Training Course in Victoria for the first time. The company, based in New Brunswick, offers the program to Indigenous people in other cities across Canada and is now offering it at the Camosun Coastal Centre (there is no connection […]

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