Camosun alumnus creates award for mature students

In 2019, Pauly Singh was feeling apprehensive about making a career change at the age of 41; to do so he would have to return to school. However, after being accepted into Camosun College’s Digital Communications certificate program, Singh’s life was forever changed. He’s now on a mission to help other mature students financially by […]

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News Briefs: January 9, 2023 issue

Fallen Garry oak tree to be used in Fine Furniture projects A large Garry oak tree that crashed into the library at Lansdowne after a windstorm early November is presenting a rare opportunity for Camosun’s Fine Furniture students. The students were able to process the fallen tree and will use it for upcoming projects. See […]

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Camosun College Student Society talks 2023 plans

New tuition deadlines suddenly introduced by the college earlier this year and skyrocketing living prices in Victoria are two issues that targeted Camosun students during 2022. To combat these issues, the Camosun College Student Society (CCSS) has negotiated with the college on their new tuition deadlines and campaigned alongside the British Columbia Federation of Students […]

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Federal government removes interest on student loans, raises repayment threshold

The federal government recently announced that it will permanently eliminate interest on the federal portion of student loans. This change is a response to the rising cost of living that’s causing financial hardship for students and recent graduates. The government also recently announced they were raising the income threshold for the Repayment Assistance Plan from […]

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News Briefs: November 30, 2022 issue

Camosun students place in provincial entrepreneurship competition Nine Camosun students in the Maker-to-Market program were recently awarded second place in the 2022 DIVERSEcity’s new Business Pitch Competition. They received a $1,500 prize to develop their small market business, Women of the World Soup, after they graduate. Government renews funding for nautical training program The federal […]

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Saanich and Oak Bay mayors talk student issues

During the October 15 municipal elections, the residents of Saanich and Oak Bay, which Camosun College’s campuses are on, elected mayors who made student issues related to housing availability and affordability, as well as transit and active transportation, a priority during their campaigns. Saanich voted in new mayor Dean Murdock, a former Camosun student and […]

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News Briefs: November 16, 2022 issue

Island Sexual Health Clinic reopens at Lansdowne The Island Sexual Health Clinic has reopened in Richmond House on the Lansdowne campus. The clinic is open Friday from 10 am to 2 pm, and walk-in and appointments are both welcome. Call or text 250-888-6814 during open hours to book an appointment. Fire ban cancels annual Traditional […]

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Camosun College Student Society moves ahead after fall student elections

The Camosun College Student Society (CCSS) held its fall student elections from Monday, October 24 to Wednesday, October 26. CCSS external executive Jessie Niikoi says that the student society is happy with the how the elections went this time around. “We generally feel like it was a smooth one and we’re happy we were able […]

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Student groups applaud temporary lifting of work limit for international students, want to see it permanent

To combat labour shortages, the federal government has temporarily lifted the 20-hour-per-week work limit for international students from November 15, 2022 until December 31, 2023. Student groups are happy for the change as it will help lighten international students’ financial burden. Camosun College Student Society (CCSS) external executive Jessie Niikoi is excited about this new […]

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College opens reimagined Wilna Thomas building at Lansdowne

On Wednesday, October 12, Camosun College officially reopened the Wilna Thomas building, which has been renovated in an attempt to serve students better and to address some of the previous shortcomings on the Lansdowne campus. The building, named after a Camosun instructor, social worker, and donor, originally opened in 1996, and the new redeveloped building […]

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