Online shopping growing in popularity, but still not foolproof

You know when you go into a store and you want to like it, but can’t? You give it more chances than a misbehaved puppy, but still nothing. The store has poor customer service, or they never have your size left, and you just can’t like it, no matter how hard you try? This is […]

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Fashion: Do-it-yourself distressed denim shorts

Distressed denim has been a trend for several years now and the shredded sensation shows no signs of stopping for this spring and summer. And while it may seem early, why not get a jump on getting ready for shorts weather? Instead of purchasing ripped, holey clothing for unreasonable prices, why not invest a little […]

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Peled to talk about a new Israel

Miko Peled went from being a Zionist and patriotic Israeli to a pro-Palestinian peace activist, he says, once he discovered Palestine and the Palestinian people. Peled, the author of the memoir The General’s Son, is coming to the University of Victoria to talk about his journey in a speech entitled Beyond Zionism: A New Paradigm […]

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Fashion has never made it so easy to run in heels

Call them ugly, call them fashionable, call them whatever you wish, but wedge sneakers are a trend and they’ve finally hit Victoria. Wedge sneakers are like Uggs for fashion-conscious people, because even they need to relax, right? It was almost like Uggs hired a plastic surgeon and stylist and completely reinvented themselves as the new, […]

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Gabrielle Bernstein may cause miracles

Depending on who you ask, she’s now a messenger, translator, and spiritual leader. Some even call her a spiritual lexicon. But, like most leaders, it took a hard journey for her to get here. Gabreille Bernstein spent her early twenties partying at New York nightclubs and quickly fell into the lifestyle of living fast-paced and […]

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Make your own floral crown

There’s no time like now to become a woodland nymph. As much as the androgynous look is thriving in fashion, so is the sickly sweet, ultra-girly look. Think tutus, pastels, Peter Pan collars, ruffled white socks, floral prints, knee-high socks, and, of course, floral crowns. Floral crowns carry a sense of whimsy that’s akin to […]

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Juggling fest teaches the art of play

For those who’ve dreamed of running away with the circus, performing magnificent feats with hoops and fire, and delighting awestruck audiences around the world, the Victoria Juggle and Flow Festival will light the way. This year’s festival is the seventh of its kind and features performances by some of the West Coast’s greatest ground-level circus […]

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Festival of Trees: shameless advertising, for a cause

It’s that time of year, with the holidays once again upon us, where we get bombarded with shameless advertising for this thing or that, urging us to buy that one product which is apparently so amazing that your life is meaningless without it. When it’s not advertising assaulting us it’s one organization or another looking […]

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The green-coffee scheme

Walk into any coffee shop this time of year and you’ll find the typical assortment of festively flavoured coffees. Pumpkin spice, peppermint, gingerbread, and eggnog lattes abound alongside the artificial garlands and animatronic Santas. But Starbucks has recently added something new to their coffee repertoire that you may have missed among the twinkling lights and […]

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