CCSS provides mental-health portal with MyWellnessPlan

Camosun College Student Society sponsored content It’s not uncommon for post-secondary students to experience mental health issues. This can make it difficult, if not impossible, to deal with school while having a productive lifestyle off campus as well. But finding help can be overwhelming; luckily, the Camosun College Student Society (CCSS) has resources available. The […]

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Listen and Learn: Camosun student Tyler Evans-Knott shines from spark to flame

The annual Spark to Flame concert presented by the Victoria Conservatory of Music (VCM) is a showcase where students perform solos accompanied by a symphony. This year’s took place on Saturday, February 24; the age range was large, with the youngest student being 10 years old and others attending Camosun College. My favourite performance at […]

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Fellas, Let’s Figure It Out: Walk it off

Well, Camosun students, it’s that time of year: crunch time for the winter semester. I don’t know about you, but for me, this semester has flown by. It almost feels like I blinked and suddenly I have three papers and four exams due next week and countless quizzes on the horizon. It’s easy to become […]

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Local photographer gets picked for Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibit

The annual Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibit, developed and produced by the Natural History Museum in London, features a local touch this year: one of the almost 100 photos chosen to be featured was taken by Victoria’s Garth Lenz. Currently displayed at the Royal BC Museum, Lenz’s photo shows the world’s largest open pit […]

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Camosun announces international-student provincial attestation letter allocation

On Tuesday, March 5, Camosun College announced its provincial attestation letter (PAL) allocation as set by the Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills. Between January 22, 2024 and January 21, 2025, the college will be able to issue up to 1,643 PALs to prospective international students. Both the college and the Camosun College Student […]

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How to be a student and a parent without dying trying

Usually when thinking about college, people immediately daydream about endless nights studying, finishing assignments overnight, horrifying deadlines, good friends, group jokes, enjoyable classes, boring classes, campus activities, jobs in between classes or seasons, and of course, partying like a rock star. In fact, college students have a very active schedule in which they cannot possibly […]

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Kiryn’s Wellness Corner: Practicing non-violence

One of the foundational principles of yoga is ahimsa, which is the Sanskrit word for non-violence. The teachings of yogic philosophy and asana (physical postures) include the application of non-violence toward all beings, including oneself.  The practice of ahimsa, on and off the mat, begins in the mind and actions toward oneself and in thought […]

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