Fellas, Let’s Figure It Out: Intentional communication

In my last column, I discussed the concept of intention and how we can use it to shape our behaviours and actions. I want to use this edition to zoom in on a facet of intention that is ever so important: thinking before one speaks. Intentional talk is not something that comes naturally to all […]

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Nominations open for Camosun Teacher Recognition Awards

Nominations are open for Camosun College’s fourth annual Teacher Recognition Awards, a ceremony that celebrates teachers who go above and beyond to ensure their students have success.  Camosun’s Teaching and Learning Council created this award as a way to celebrate great teachers. “A few years ago, we were trying to think of a way to […]

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Queen Maeve explores forgiveness through fantasy

Director and set designer Diana Budiachenko is a lover of creating abstraction and fantasy through her theatre productions, so it makes sense that she was excited to take on Queen Maeve. Theatre Inconnu’s production of Governor General Award winner Judith Thompson’s play is a perfect fit for Budiachenko. “When I read it for the first […]

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25 Years Ago in Nexus: February 19, 2025 issue

Safety net: It’s a dangerous world, they say. Bombs, electrical storms, and hostage situations loom over the cautious. The Big One is said to arrive any minute, and many, if not most, are unprepared. But Camosun was, and they were prepped for all-things crisis. In our February 21, 2000 issue, we covered what Camosun had […]

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How to form and cure a headache

For the past decade, the conditions have tired the body. They’ve tired the mind, most particularly. For the past decade, the world has been imposed on its consumers far more than they would like, and a collective headache has spread a throbbing dull discomfort. The occipital lobes have been shot by the blaring blue light […]

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Across the Pacific: The spark that led me here

The decision to move to Canada probably started many years ago without my even realizing it. Looking back, I’ve always been a nomad, independently chasing my dreams within my home country—the Philippines, a nation of 7,641 islands.  I was 19 when I decided to leave my hometown and explore life beyond my comfort zone. In […]

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Isle of Tease returns to showcase diversity in burlesque

Isle of Tease has become one of the most anticipated burlesque shows of the year. Event co-producer Cherry Cheeks says that Isle of Tease, which brings together performers from local and afar, means a lot for the island burlesque community.  “I’m always excited for the local performers… [They] get to be on a theatre stage […]

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Pieces of Performance: Gender witch Brujo Mars/Minx Latinx representing on stage

They claim themselves lovingly as a gender witch, but audiences know the reigning Venezuelan drag king and burlesque beauty as Brujo Mars, or Minx Latinx (also known as Monika). When they started performing in April 2022, they set out to represent Latinos on stage and share an important story. “I am extremely proud to be […]

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News Briefs: February 19, 2025 issue

Camosun creates Black History Month book guide During the month of February, the Camosun library is featuring an online guide to literature celebrating contributions by Black Canadians. The guide, put together for Black History Month, features a range of fiction, non-fiction, and children’s books available year-round in the library. Books are accessible and on display […]

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