The stories that shaped 2024: A time capsule

Money being top of mind for students is nothing new, but in recent years the situation has become more dire. This was reflected not only in my own feature story on money troubles, but also in a number of other articles throughout the year. From the federal budget breakdown (by Dan Ellerton) to tips on […]

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Pieces of Performance: Missy Ink fills the stage with her burlesque energy

Missy Ink has been a force to reckon with since stepping onto the burlesque scene in December 2022. As a dancer for 20 years prior to stepping into a different style and persona, she says the nerves are nothing but distant memories. Before she performs, she creates the visual in her mind, the energy she […]

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Gay as in Happy: Love in a time of elections

So what exactly are you supposed to do when an election puts someone who wants you non-existent in office? While the American election is outside our zone of influence, we’re not outside of its influence. As Pierre Trudeau once said, “Living next to [America] is in some ways like sleeping with an elephant.” And with […]

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Reasons to Live… In Victoria: The joy of cocktails

A while back I was experiencing a bout of depression, and was struggling to leave my house. I searched through the cobwebs in my mind for something that once brought me joy but would require little effort. My partner suggested we go out for dinner. I love everything about restaurants: the ceremony of fine dining, […]

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Open Space: Don’t settle for grade mediocrity

Has settling for grade mediocrity become the status quo? Maybe I’m just old, but the old adage of “Cs and Ds get degrees” seems to be thrown around a lot more these days, and it irritates me.  I’ve heard it from both students and faculty. What was once said to a student who was putting […]

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Camosun Muslim Students Alliance bridging community

Practicing a religion that isn’t part of the dominant culture of where you live can be lonely, as was the experience for Muslim student Leia Grace Elaine Unarce.  This is why Unarce restarted Camosun’s Muslim Students Alliance after it had been inactive for a few years, following a thought she had while breaking her fast […]

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25 Years Ago in Nexus: November 27, 2024 issue

Reefer madness: Weed, grass, pot, marijuana is now considered a common household item, useful for relaxation and celebration (and, in my case, inducing nightmarish panic attacks). However, before 2018, citizens across Canada were not afforded their God-given right to blaze, and in our November 29, 1999 issue, we covered the baby step that eventually led […]

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