Living beyond nature: How Camosun College is dealing with environmental issues in times of climate-change crisis

Living in Victoria is living in an urban fantasy. My commute to work or school is greeted with cautiously curious deer, or ominous crows, or the neighbourhood cats. Tamed flowers in people’s gardens burst into bloom in spring, and vibrant, fiery leaves drop from their branches in autumn. This sensory life cycle constantly changes around […]

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A matter of maturity: What’s the difference between how mature students and younger students approach post-secondary?

When I think about all the various transitions I have made in my life—from a child into a teenager, from a girl into a woman, from sleeping on friends’ couches and asking parents to help out to paying bills, voting, watching the news, and being politically aware—I’m also aware of the transition I never made: […]

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Crunch time: What are we really examining with final exams?

I’ve been a student at Camosun for three years; the biggest hurdle I’ve experienced has been getting through final exams. The feeling is always the same: anxiety squirming in the pit of my stomach as I try to figure out how I can prove myself on a few small sheets of paper. My own recall […]

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Leading the charge on gameday and in the classroom: The players and coaches of the Camosun Chargers look back at 25 years of college athletics

Recently, the men and women of the Camosun Chargers volleyball and basketball teams experienced the sort of pressure only rivalled by the most daunting of all midterms as they stepped onto a gymnasium floor and got ready to play in provincial championship games.  And none of the teams even had home court advantage. It’s all […]

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Under pressure: How Camosun College’s counselling services are holding up under stress

In April of last year, Nexus ran a feature story on mental health and student support at Camosun College. During the interview process, staff shortages within the counselling department were identified and brought to my attention. At the time of the interview, counsellor Chris Balmer informed me that six students, four of whom were categorized […]

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