Camosun College students weigh in on September return to campus

[Editor’s note: As this story was being edited, the provincial government announced their latest guidelines for post-secondary institutions in the fall; it’s important to note that all interviews in this piece were conducted with students before those details were announced.] On March 8 of this year, provincial health officer Bonnie Henry said that post-secondary institutions […]

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A hallmark half-century: Looking back on 50 years of Camosun College

Camosun College is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. It’s been a long journey, and today Camosun offers over 160 programs to 19,000 students per year from over 80 countries, including more than 2,100 international students and 1,200 Indigenous students. Of course, getting to this point hasn’t always been smooth, which makes sense: 50 years […]

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50 things Camosun College needs to do in its next 50 years

On September 16, 1971, Camosun College first opened its doors to students. This year, the college is celebrating its 50th anniversary, and it got us thinking about how far Camosun has come in 50 years. But where does it need to go from here? We tapped into our Nexus team to get, straight from the […]

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Empty 2.0: Camosun College’s Interurban campus during COVID-19

Last month, we showed what Camosun College’s Lansdowne campus looked like during the fall 2020 semester. Ravaged by the COVID-19 crisis, it was stark, barren, empty. We journeyed out to Interurban to investigate what it looked like out there, and found more of the same emptiness. Here’s a peek into what the campus looks like […]

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“We just have to keep trying”: Camosun international students feel pandemic’s impact

Every year, Camosun welcomes a couple thousand international students from a vast range of countries who come here to pursue educational goals and to participate in an enriching cultural exchange. The experience of studying abroad brings opportunities to increase self knowledge, as the students live in a new environment and experience a huge spectrum of […]

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What happened behind the scenes on March 14: Looking back on the day Camosun flipped the switch

At around 8 pm on Saturday, March 14, Camosun students were informed by email that the college would be transitioning to alternate modes of instruction and assessment as part of measures to support physical distancing due to the COVID-19 crisis. Under normal circumstances, a major shift in institutional operations would be the result of long-term […]

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Finding calm during storms: How Camosun students deal with stress, and how the college helps them

[Note: This story was written before the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic hit Victoria.] Being a post-secondary student—or at least a somewhat successful one—requires a great level of commitment. If it’s not dealing with due dates it’s bigger-picture academic goals, such as maintaining a favourable GPA so you can get bursaries or be able to […]

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