Is Die Hard a Christmas movie?

The days are shorter and there’s a cold bite in the air, so you know what that means: it’s time to cozy up with all your favourite Christmas movies. For me, one of those movies is Die Hard. Every Christmas Eve, I make my family watch Die Hard with me, even though my mom doesn’t […]

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Three ways we’ve lost touch with Christmas

From my experience, the true meaning of Christmas has really gone to the dogs. Christmas is about celebrating the gift of life with your loved ones, something everybody should be able to appreciate in these times, and every year—COVID or no COVID—that concept seems to be getting dragged farther away from us. Here are some […]

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Christmas and capitalism

The Christmas season is the busiest time of year for retailers, and they know exactly how to capitalize on that. More to the point, they know how to manipulate the holiday to ensure  maximum profits. They have capitalized on it so much, in fact, that our observation of the holiday is slowly being changed.  Advertisers […]

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The Nexus seasonal BC beer guide

In 2010, British Columbia had 54 operating breweries. As of 2020, the BC Craft Brewers Guild reports a total of 204 breweries in operation, and the BC liquor distribution branch sales reports a revenue of $319 million. In 2020, the beer industry across Canada created $5.3 billion in labour income while contributing $13.6 billion to […]

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Sherri Bell: The exit interview

“Thanks,” outgoing Camosun College president Sherri Bell tells us as we pack up after finishing our final interview with her as her six-year time at the college starts to come to a close. “That actually felt a little cathartic.” As it should: Bell is heading into retirement next month after leading the college through what […]

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Three ways to get the most spook out of Halloween this year

One of the holidays that we college students don’t get as excited about as we used to as kids is Halloween. I mean, most of us are so poor after paying for classes and textbooks that we can’t afford a costume, especially if we’re only going to wear it for one night. And if we […]

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Walking with the ghosts of Victoria

For 10 years, I’ve unknowingly lived in the most haunted city in British Columbia. It should have been obvious. Victoria is home to castles, like Craigdarroch and Hatley, built in the late 1800s and early 1900s, not to mention around 20 cemeteries. As an avid listener of true crime and a lover of horror movies, […]

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This is not a drill: Camosun students walk out for the environment

Our October 6, 2021 issue contained a feature spread of photographs from Nexus contributing writer Celina Lessard, who joined the Camosun student walkout to attend the Student Strike for Climate on Friday, September 24. Here’s what Lessard saw through her camera lens that day.

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“We are all frustrated. We are all confused”: International students concerned as flights still grounded while fall semester nears

On April 22, Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau banned all flights from India and Pakistan for 30 days. First-year Marketing post-degree diploma student—and Nexus contributing writer—Prajakta Jagtap, who is taking Camosun classes remotely from India, has delayed her plans to return to Canada to study at Camosun three times due to COVID-19 restrictions. “We are […]

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