Food trucks from the inside out: Our journey on Camosun’s Cuisine Machine

One of the biggest drawbacks of being at Lansdowne is that the culinary programs are at Interurban. Don’t get me wrong, the Lansdowne cafeteria has great burgers and poutine; I highly recommend the breakfast as well. However, the cafeteria at Interurban is a dining experience. They serve up meat with a side of mashed potatoes […]

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Visible invisibility: Black History Month, on and off campus

February is Black History Month, a time to honour and acknowledge the contributions Black people have made to Canada. It is also an opportune time to listen and learn about the issues the Black community still faces, such as racism and inequality, and the steps toward meaningful change that can be taken both at Camosun […]

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A look back at 2022: Nexus writers on the best and worst of the year

Jordyn Haukaas, student editor 1. I watched my niece turn one this year. She’s a fiery redhead who’s simultaneously the most stubborn and most sweet baby I have ever met. I love you, Savannah. Thank you for turning me into the cool aunt I was always destined to be. 2. I’m the new student editor […]

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Under pressure: Camosun students deal with the stresses of today

“Stress” and “anxiety” have become buzzwords of sorts, thanks to an increasing awareness of the importance of self-care. Rising inflation rates, pandemics, healthcare and housing crises… it’s easy to see why stress is running rampant. And Camosun students, as I’m sure you’re aware, are not immune to stress. Students are stressed for a number of […]

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A disruptive decade (and a bit): 12 years of Camosun’s Women in Trades Training

COVID got in the way of everything, even celebrating a gradual decline of gender barriers: for example, it was two years late because of the virus, but Camosun’s Women in Trade Training (WITT) celebrated its 10-year anniversary this September. Since its inception in 2010, WITT has aimed to promote and facilitate gender diversity within trades. […]

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Exploring the dark side of Lansdowne

Halloween is just around the corner, and I’m getting excited. Although I’m not usually one for holidays, Halloween brings on a childlike wonder for me with its possibility of seeing something unknown or supernatural. And according to the Nexus archives, there is a history of paranormal action right here at Camosun.  Of course, while reading […]

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You can sit with us: What Camosun College’s clubs life has to offer

Lonely? Bored? Missing doing activities with others? There’s a way to fix that, according to those involved with clubs at Camosun College. Being a college club member has had an impact on Camosun students—it’s more than just getting together to, say, play video games or talk about psychology. They say it creates a sense of […]

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Reconciliation at Camosun College: The student perspective

Over the past several years, Nexus has covered Camosun College’s reconciliation efforts in detail several times, usually by talking to those involved at the college. For this piece, however, we decided we’d go right to the students to get an honest opinion on what the college has done, and on what the college needs to […]

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