CRD clears the air on the new clean-air bylaws

Smoking in Victoria is about to become a lot more difficult. The Capital Regional District (CRD), in collaboration with Island Health (VIHA), has updated the existing Clean Air Bylaw, which currently prohibits smoking three metres from businesses, patios, and bus stops. The CRD is a government-regulated organization comprised of elected members representing the multiple municipalities […]

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Breaking isolation: Victoria’s gaming community is no longer hiding

Walking into the recent GottaCon gamer convention held at the Victoria Conference Center, I’m immediately shocked by the severe volume and variety of people. Moms and dads with tiny babies, women in full body armour, teens, tweens, adults, seniors, children, a woman dressed as Sailor Moon… and everybody has a gaming device of some kind […]

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The cheque’s no longer in the mail: what will happen to Canada Post as it struggles to remain relevant?

At Canada Post’s Victoria sorting plant, manager Kevin Pearson strides onto the huge facility floor and says, “This is where it happens.” At 3:30 on a Tuesday afternoon, “it” means quite a lot. Long, shiny conveyor belts snake from laser-scanning machines into the caverns of trucks and suck up packages of all shapes and sizes. […]

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Why Victoria mayor Lisa Helps matters to students

If you haven’t heard yet, there’s a new mayor in town. Students in particular should heed this development with interest. Victoria’s new mayor, Lisa Helps, is making a concentrated effort to address the questions and concerns of the student body through initiatives and promoting youth involvement. Sworn in on December 4 after defeating previous Victoria […]

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Rain boots and fireflies: a dramatic telling of common events

Bits and pieces of memory spark inside my head like fireflies on a humid Ontario evening. The thoughts drift by, harmless and content, fluttering against the dark backdrop. The bioluminescent twinkles in the darkness show me innocent flashes of random moments: ironing my best friend’s hair on her bedroom floor before school, skidding down a […]

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State of emergency: the problem with health care in Canada

The story “I neeeeed soommmee helllppp!” a scratchy-voiced elderly woman called down the hall. “No, you don’t. Now shut up and go to sleep,” I thought to myself. Did I think that I’d ever be the kind of person to be cruel to an old woman, an old woman who perhaps has dementia? Well, no, […]

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Environmental explorations: taking a look at Camosun College’s sustainability initiatives

Camosun College recently released a sustainability report outlining the college’s efforts to reduce the environmental impact of operation. The 35-page report is full of interesting projects and governance initiatives happening on both campuses, but college administrators and environmentally conscious students on campus say there’s more that can be done. Understandably, the sustainability report places particular […]

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