Policy changers and government lobbiers: Getting to know the newly elected Camosun College Student Society representatives

Lobbying government to create change that impacts students; working with Camosun to change policy that impacts students; throwing parties that… impact students? Sure, sounds good: the Camosun College Student Society (CCSS) does all of that and more, and they do it with the help of elected student representatives. The CCSS recently held their 2016 student […]

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Camosun’s deer and cougars: is it time to be concerned?

A puma crept the length of Foul Bay Road on swift paws. Silently it crept through the crisp early-morning air in search of its new prey until, finally, it pounced… right into an empty parking lot. A parking lot on Camosun’s Lansdowne campus. The incident took place in October of 2015, while campus security was conducting […]

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Education barriers: Is Camosun doing enough for students with disabilities?

“It basically made me feel like shit.” After years of hearing concerns from students about how Camosun College deals with students who have disabilities, I’m finally sitting down face to face with a student and getting their story, and this is how that student—who has autism—explains to me they felt after a run-in with a […]

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10 things you didn’t know about Camosun (Lansdowne edition)

Camosun College opened its doors in 1971; in the past 45 years, countless students have roamed the halls and fields of the Lansdowne campus. During that time, stories have been told and myths have blossomed: tales of, for example, ghosts, underground tunnels, and, uh, turtles. Naturally, there are lots of unanswered questions, and we’re here […]

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Pro-choice or pro-life? The conversation continues at Camosun and beyond

The controversy surrounding abortion is not a new debate in Victoria, be it on campus or in the community. Choosing a side, either pro-life or pro-choice, divides people, and with a pro-life organization holding a vigil in town, the debate is on people’s minds as strongly as ever. Pro-life group 40 Days for Life is […]

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Three decades of Propagandhi: prairie punks prove that music still matters

After a 20-plus-year absence, Canadian political punk legends Propagandhi are returning to Victoria. Embarking on a tour of western Canada while crafting new material for their seventh full-length album, the Winnipeg band, who got together in 1986, will be returning to Vancouver Island for a show at Sugar on Sunday, February 7. Naturally, the return […]

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One door for all: The Camosun College Pride Collective is leading the way for gender-neutral multi-stall bathrooms at Camosun

The Camosun College Pride Collective is currently working on a proposal that would see the implementation of gender-neutral washrooms on both campuses. Gender-neutral, also known as gender-inclusive, washrooms are washrooms that can be used by those who identify as male, female, or outside the gender binary. This would be good news for transgender students, who, […]

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The system has changed: What the federal election results mean for students

The citizens of Canada have spoken in the loudest voice that the current political system allows them to: their words are “get him out.” And after the recent federal election, Stephen Harper is indeed out. A slogan that Camosun College students may have heard is “ABC,” which stands for “anything but Conservative.” Such a phrase […]

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