Redefining the F word: What it means to be a feminist Camosun student in 2018

10 years ago, I was sitting at the dining-room table with my stepmom, and I boldly proclaimed that I wasn’t a feminist. I can’t even remember what prompted me to make such a statement, but what I can remember is the reaction I received from the normally even-tempered accountant sitting across from me: she got angry. […]

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Losing me: What I wish I knew before I lost 110 pounds

Everyone has a magic-wand wish. You know, that impossible thing that you would gladly give your right arm to your fairy godmother in exchange for: A stable relationship, a million dollars, bigger boobs, a smaller nose, free post-secondary education. For me, my wish was to be thin. I don’t remember a time when I wasn’t […]

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Rethinking reducing and reusing: What new global regulations on recycling mean for Camosun’s recycling initiatives

China has long been the world’s largest purchaser of recyclables. It’s been the principal end-market for most of the post-consumer plastics, paper, and other recyclable materials collected in North America. And they made a recent decision that will be felt around the world, including right here in Victoria, and nobody seems to be talking about […]

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What is the future of retail? With another retail giant gone, Camosun’s Lansdowne neighbourhood is changing

Camosun’s Lansdowne campus neighbourhood will never look the same. On January 14, 2018, Sears, one of the Hillside Centre’s anchor tenants, closed its doors for the last time. It marked the end of an era in Canadian retail. Sears closed about 190 stores nationwide and took with it 15,000 jobs. Demographic changes continue to fuel […]

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Accessible for all? A recently constructed building with no elevator raises questions about how Camosun College is doing with accessibility issues

Camosun’s Centre for Trades Education and Innovation is a beautiful building, filled with modern equipment and hope for the future of our province. I recently took a bus out to see the building, which officially opened in 2016 and is located on the Interurban campus. I was amazed as I walked through the doors into […]

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A prescription for victory: How one student just eliminated the age cap for Camosun students’ dental and medical plan

The Camosun College Student Society (CCSS) advocates for Camosun students, negotiating with the government and the college. But who advocates for students who are in a dispute with the CCSS? Joseph Finkleman found himself asking that question late last year when he received an email from the CCSS informing him that on December 17, 2017 […]

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