Not the Last Word: Hope through COVID

I remember it was close to Christmas in 2019 when a colleague of mine at Nexus was reading up on the coronavirus. He was always telling us that he believed “this thing is going to get bad.” I brushed off his fears as one might brush off the rantings of a conspiracy theorist. I thought […]

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Camosun College Student Society: Thanksgiving Food Drive and Stone Soup

Here at Camosun College, student food insecurity has become the elephant in the room. Due to spiralling costs of living, our learners are increasingly forced to make a choice between full bellies and paying the bills. While post-secondary studies can be challenging at the best of times, the added pressure of wondering where the next […]

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Nic’s Flicks: The Equalizer 3 powerful end to trilogy

The Equalizer 3 3/4 One of the most interesting action franchise trilogies that I’ve ever seen is The Equalizer series. While these three films aren’t perfect, they deliver kinetic action sequences and an engaging performance by franchise lead Denzel Washington. I’m happy to report that the third film is no exception. It delivers fast-paced action, […]

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Fellas, Let’s Figure It Out: Dopamine, part one

College is challenging. From quizzes to labs, coursework can take a lot out of you.  One thing that many students, including myself, struggle with is focusing for long periods of time. Lectures that last for two to three hours are extremely challenging to sit through without checking your phone multiple times.  But why is it […]

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Kiryn’s Wellness Corner: A blast of fall heat

Hard to believe that we’re this far into September already. Hopefully this means you’ve settled into the rhythm of your fall schedule and are enjoying the subtle changes as we move towards fall equinox, which happens Friday, September 22. A shift from summer to fall means a change in seasonal foods and a turning from […]

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Not the Last Word: Change is constant

I started my new column—about seeing the world through the eyes of a Xennial—last issue. If you aren’t already aware, a Xennial is someone who was born on the cusp of being part of Generation X and being a Millennial. Someone who remembers being a latchkey kid and using a rotary telephone. Someone who remembers […]

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Fellas, Let’s Figure It Out: Dude, put the dab pen down

It’s no secret that cannabis use is widespread in a place like Victoria. It’s especially present in college- and university-aged individuals, not to mention its grasp on many high-school students. Weed is just as socially acceptable as alcohol these days, so much so that if you shared any anti-marijuana opinion in a social setting, you’d […]

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Nic’s Flicks: Gran Turismo hits dead end

Gran Turismo 1/4 Let’s talk video-game movies. These have been notoriously bad, like Warcraft, which was so confusing you needed to be an expert in the game to understand what was going on; Uncharted, which is my favorite video game ever, turned out to be a dismal movie as well.  And while Gran Turismo isn’t […]

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Kiryn’s Wellness Corner: Getting focused

Ah, September, the month of getting back to work or school after summer holidays. If you’re anything like me, September feels a bit like New Year’s: exciting new beginnings of classes or work, or returning to the rewarding and comfortable rhythm of structure.  Whether you’re experiencing your first journey away from your parental home or […]

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Tastes of Victoria: Fresh new starts

A new term is starting, and I still can’t figure out what my favourite part about that is. It’s exciting to think about all the new faces that will come across the campus and all the new readers joining me right now. As an international student in a new town, in a whole new country, […]

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