Calculated Thought: Canada-Europe trade deal moving forward

The Comprehensive Economic Trade Agreement (CETA), a free-trade deal between Canada and Europe virtually eliminating tariffs on most goods crossing the Atlantic, has passed another hurdle. The European Union’s parliament approved the deal on February 15, leaving national and regional parliaments in Europe to vote. Once the prescribed changes to federal and provincial regulations are […]

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The Bi-weekly Gamer: Rocket League gets fuel from developers

I’ve tried to stay away from sports-related games when writing this column. And there are a lot of them—games involving the NHL, NBA, MLB, and FIFA have been around for a very long timae. Rocket League is a game is not about rockets but, rather, about rocket-powered cars that you control to play a compact […]

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Calculated Thought: Personal information is a commodity

Our generation is very educated, but we also face a tougher job market than our parents did, so, it’s befitting that we should learn how to make sound financial decisions in a changing economic landscape. Since many say we are entering a new knowledge economy driven by information, I’d like to shift the conversation from […]

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To See or Not to See: The Player a film about filmmakers making films

The Player 4/5 In art there exists the now-well-documented phenomenon of the “meta”: a piece of art, literature, theatre, film—anything—that is self-referential, self-conscious, about its own existence. In the art world, there’s Andy Warhol’s pop-art “Campbell’s Soup Cans”; literature has Miguel de Cervantes’ Don Quixote; in film, there’s Robert Altman’s The Player (1992). But what […]

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Dearest Reader: A proposal: the battle of the bathrooms has only just begun

Dearest Reader, It is well understood that the ever-mighty marching feet of the feminist movement have traversed a long and unsteady ground throughout the preceding decades. The victories of suffrage and legal gender equality long behind us, the most noble endeavour has fallen to our generation’s finest and brightest to find new enemies, and to […]

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The Bi-weekly Gamer: What Super Smash Bros. needs

Flashback to 16 years ago: Nintendo has just published the second title in its Super Smash Bros. series, Super Smash Bros. Melee. Ring any bells from years past? Melee has over these 16 years become one of the most beloved “have your friends over and beat the snot out of each other” games of all […]

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To See or Not to See: Whiplash proves that dreams are worthwhile

Whiplash 4.5/5 Whiplash (2014) is one of the finest pieces of independent filmmaking—and therefore filmmaking as a whole—in recent history. It’s alive, but it’s not desperate to be; it’s funny, but only because life is funny sometimes; it features young characters that aren’t limp or over-inflated with self-awareness. Most of all, though, Whiplash captures what […]

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The Bi-weekly Gamer: Providing an amateur league

A large amount of players and viewers probably don’t realize that Riot Games has set up a professional-style tournament for League of Legends (LoL) for people like you and me. University League of Legends (uLoL) is a program organized by Riot Games and student clubs on college and university campuses across the US and Canada. […]

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Dearest Reader: A proposal: Valentine’s day is a grand opportunity

Dearest Reader, To your most assured awareness, that so-talked-about festival of Valentine’s Day is again nearly upon us. Rarely has there been a holiday which has come to be reckoned so unpleasant and so widely and vastly despised in the young people of our nation as this one. The burden of lonesomeness that plagues they […]

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