Fellas, Let’s Figure It Out: Tips on decluttering

As the school year begins, I want to share a valuable tip that may lead to more productive study sessions. It also happens to be a reminder to myself. This edition’s focus is on decluttering. College life is busy; no one can deny that. A busy life often leads to a cluttered life, which can […]

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Lydia’s Film Critique: La dolce vita

From dark until dawn, glamour is restless—1960s Rome knows this best. While the rest of us retreat from our inadequate lives onto beaten mattresses, the elite awakens to carouse in the streets and clubs and high-rises of Italy. Federico Fellini’s La dolce vita (1960) visits several nights of extravagant, vain, and depraved stardom. The “sweet” […]

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Fellas, Let’s Figure It Out: Bro, you need a little bro

This summer, I had the privilege of serving as an assistant coach for the Victoria Mariners baseball team. While the baseball side of the experience was more than enjoyable, I found the most rewarding part of this job to be mentoring the young men on the team.  I have always believed that sport is a […]

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Listen and Learn: Unravelling the cassette revival

Nostalgia has been hitting music formats again—cassettes have been making a comeback. The ballad of the cassette tape is revolutionary but short, holds a special place in the hearts of Gen X, and includes a pencil. First off, cassette tapes were made for dictation, not music, due to the ease of recording. However, that’s why […]

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Lydia’s Film Critique: Robot Monster

If two words effectively attract swarms of schlock-hungry audiences, they are “robot” and “monster.” Plastered in large red text across an illustrated poster, Robot Monster (1953) was a lucrative success, bringing in $1 million USD at the box office. It isn’t hard to imagine why—the picture was filmed in elegant 3D, and with a title […]

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Kiryn’s Wellness Corner: Balancing the heat

Summer has finally arrived in Victoria, and with it the desire to get outside and get some vitamin D from the sun. In yoga philosophy and the ayurvedic natural medicine system of India, anything that is heat generating is said to be of a pitta (pronounced pita) nature. This includes the weather, and it is […]

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Not the Last Word: On smaller classes and the importance of BAs

I often think about how much I wish I was able to complete a full bachelor’s degree in the arts and humanities at Camosun.  When I first came to Camosun, I was in my early 30s and I had finally made the decision to go back to school. I did not have a good time […]

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August Horoscope

Aries (March 21 – April 19) The new moon in Leo on August 4 brings your focus to pleasurable fifth house topics such as hobbies and the senses. Mercury’s retrograde the same day brings a re-evaluative tone. With the 11th house Aquarius full moon on August 19, you feel more socially focused, especially with groups. […]

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Listen and Learn: Camosun alum lives the momentary dream with Polynice

Recent Camosun grad and Polynice guitarist Trevor McMorran says that the band has an eclectic array of musical influences, and it checks out: the members soak it up from The Strokes, The Beach Boys, Tame Impala, and psychedelic rock, while one of their largest inspirations is even more left field. “[I] remember asking Julian [Baisa, […]

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Lydia’s Film Critique: Withnail & I

The soul of grime lives within each frame of 1987’s Withnail & I, written and directed by Bruce Robinson. Filth covers every nook and cranny of a London apartment, living creatures born out of the sink, conceived between decomposed dishware and neglect. The only thing worse is what lives outside its moulded walls, in what […]

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