Unpacking the Bags: One step back, two steps forward

Moving to another country requires several adaptations that we could call setbacks. Besides facing the difficulty of daily communication, we students need to adapt to a new job market that will require us to start over. Being a newcomer in search of work is one of the major difficulties in the life of a young […]

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Getting There Together: The ultimate response of e-skateboards

North American society revolves around the car, but that never made sense. If we recognize and decry the gross waste of energy in hauling around a ton of metal wherever we go, then a skateboard is the ultimate response: four wheels and a small platform to stand on, which is even less weight than a […]

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House of Columns: Students should support proportional representation

As many students may be aware, BC will be holding a referendum this fall on changing the electoral system. The system currently in use, first past the post, while simple, is outdated and highly unreflective of the overall choice voters make. In a single riding today, a candidate simply needs to receive the most votes—not […]

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Let’s Talk?: Can I say no?

Understanding the concept of consent should not be that difficult. Anything other than an uninfluenced, unpressured, clearly vocalized “yes” means “no.” So why did it just take multiple minutes of me staring at my computer screen, taking an opinion poll of my friends, and looking up a dictionary definition for me to define “consent”? While […]

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Unpacking the Bags: The inside journey of the international student

Moving to another country can transform all aspects of your life.  When I was preparing to come to Victoria, I was ready to face the language barrier, the change in social relationships, and even a new way of studying. The only aspect I was not prepared for was the changes that would happen to me […]

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Write to Rise: Go ahead, be the purple cow

Why did I write a column called Write to Rise? Because if you write and get published, not only will you stand out amongst your peers and get the promotion over someone who has not been published, you will also build your own self-esteem and self-worth. For years, I kept my writing a secret dream […]

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Getting There Together: Cycling should be a no-brainer

Getting There Together is a new column exploring alternative modes of transportation. The car dominates most public space in North American cities. The rest is divvied between property owners. The lines between properties need to be efficient pathways to get between those properties. Streets and sidewalks are our public space—if it weren’t for getting between […]

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Communication Error: The importance of nonverbal communication

Imagine a bird, or a plane. Now, everyone has a different image in their head of what a bird looks like (or maybe you’re just picturing Superman). Yet, everyone knows the definition of a bird, of a plane, and what they are. So, why would everyone have different representations of the “same” word? When we […]

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Communication Error: A few simple words

Hello, everyone. I’m excited to announce that this is my first of many editions of Communication Error, where I will shed light on the common ways we fail to communicate to each other properly and how taking a few extra steps can save us time and pain in the backside. We underestimate how crucial communication […]

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Write to Rise: Traditional publishing vs. self-publishing

You’ve inched your way into writing. First, you wrote for newspapers, magazines, and journals; now, you have a collection of short stories or even a poetry book (yes, someone did say poetry is making a comeback) ready to publish. But now what? Your expertise is growing and writing is getting easier for you. As mentioned […]

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