Let’s Talk?: On privacy, the pharmacy, and gender expectations

As woke as I am, I am also desensitized to the daily chip-aways I experience as a woman. Even when they happen, I don’t speak up as much as I should. This was brought to my attention recently when I went to the pharmacy with a friend to refill a prescription.  I walked to the […]

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Tech Talk: Five note-taking apps for college students

While a pen and paper always work great in a school environment, sometimes you want to digitize your notes and memos. Let’s take a look at some good options for electronic note-taking. Google Keep (for Android, iOS, and web, free) Google Keep aims to do one thing and to do that one thing better than […]

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Unpacking the Bags: Finding an apartment in Victoria

Moving to a completely different country has many challenges, including—especially in Victoria—finding a place to live. As international students, the best option is to seek a room or an apartment to share the costs. Remember that it’s important to choose your roommates well and ensure that you are able to share the expenses of the […]

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Let’s Talk?: #consent

Recently I saw a post on Facebook about how asking for consent ruins the moment. And I mean, yeah, if your partner pulls away when things are getting hot and heavy and stone-faced asks, “Do you consent to engaging in coitus with me at the present moment?” it might… although I reserve the right to […]

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House of Columns: The importance of studying abroad

We often say multiculturalism is a pillar of Canadian society. That’s because it truly is. Canada does not have much of a national identity, but our tolerance and openness toward others from all around the globe is a part of it. There is no better place to see this in action than on campus.  Colleges […]

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Communication Error: Exploring your options

Do you hate reading and writing? Would you much rather binge-watch a new series on Netflix instead? Let’s explore why choosing to watch entertainment media, rather than read it, is leading all of us down a slippery slope. As a student, I am sure there is a high possibility that you drink coffee. But as […]

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House of Columns: Don’t neglect municipal politics

It’s easy for students to focus on putting pressure on the province for tuition and educational issues, or on the federal level for grants. However, the municipal level should not be overlooked, as it’s crucial for students. Municipal politics are critical for students for two main reasons: housing and transportation. While funding and policy in […]

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Unpacking the Bags: Establishing good relationships with your instructors

Many students think that their relationships with teachers should be distant and restricted to just attending classes and listening to lectures, but creating a good relationship with instructors can make a difference in your educational and professional career. By creating a positive relationship with teachers, students can work through course material more effectively, have more […]

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Communication Error: On multitasking and overthinking

Do you feel as if you are drowning in a sea of whizzing sounds, flashing lights, and whirling words? Are you standing on the outside of clear communication, wishing you had an invitation inside? Let me explain why seeing yourself on the outside of communication—instead of seeing yourself as part of it—is precisely the problem. […]

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Let’s Talk?: On online dating and more dick pics

Online dating is like childbirth: you forget how bad it is until you’re in the throes of it. After receiving my umpteenth unsolicited dick pic last spring, I swore off any app that promised a match; however, after realizing that between school and work a vast majority of the men I meet in my daily […]

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