The Periodic Column: The action potential of the thalamus

How do our brains decide what to learn? As students, how can we force our brains to hold on to the facts from our classes that we need to remember for exams instead of random information from our favourite TV shows? Turns out, researchers at Harvard University were wondering that, too. In order to learn, […]

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Campus Access: Microwave concerns on campus

There are multiple options for food on campus. Well, there are multiple options for most people, that is. While some might argue that the campus cafeteria is perfectly accessible, that isn’t necessarily the case. It isn’t so much the layout of the cafeteria that’s the problem; it’s the volume of people in the space at […]

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Let’s Talk?: A cautionary tale

We have all known—or will come to know—at least one fuckboy over the course of our lives: the guy who makes our skin crawl whenever we have to interact with him; the one who has one too many dating apps, yet is eternally single; the one who wears just a little too much cologne, hair […]

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Tech Talk: Preparing for exams with apps

Preparing for exams can be overwhelming, especially when you have many things to memorize. Here are two apps that can help you to memorize everything for tests. Anki is a fully-featured index-card app that works across all the major platforms, including a paid version for iOS. How it works is just like real-life index cards—you […]

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Unpacking the Bags: Being international can be your biggest asset

Often, we as international students feel at a disadvantage compared to domestic students. We have this feeling because of the language barrier and the lack of knowledge of Canadian culture, but being international can be our biggest asset when it comes to looking at the job market. I would say that being international needs to […]

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Health with Tess: Should talking about porn be less taboo?

Behavioural addictions—when people get addicted to activities, not substances—are everywhere. They’re in how often we check our social media, how many hours we play video games, how often we shop online, how much money we spend on gambling, how much we eat, how much time we spend exercising. Any of these in moderation are relatively […]

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First Things First: Take care of yourself

The topic of health should never be taken lightly, especially when the post-secondary workload is something you’ve never experienced before.  You are not a machine, and, despite the career-based mindset of “work hard, play hard,” or “all-nighters are just a part of the job,” or even “sacrifice your health so you die young and stressed […]

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Communication Error: A breath of fresh air

What is it like to feel alone in a room full of people, to suffocate on your own breath as if you gasp for air but each attempt to inhale is so asphyxiating that your eyes begin to water and you momentarily forget your own name? As you lie face-down in a pool filled with […]

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The Chopping Block Chronicles: The importance of eating and shopping locally

Eating local has become somewhat of a phenomenon. In Victoria, we are blessed to be surrounded by an abundance of amazing producers, farmers, growers, and artisanal shops. This not only makes eating local easy but also gives us a vast quantity of choices.  In high school, my chef was an advocate of the slow-food movement. […]

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The Periodic Column: A second domestication

Sometime between 11,000 and 40,000 years ago, early humans domesticated wolves. There are theories, but, in the end, no one’s quite sure how it happened. One of the most widely accepted of these theories is that wolves followed human groups to scavenge from the carcasses left behind after human hunts. The presence of the wolves […]

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