Communication Error: Colours of language

You can sleep when you’re dead, but you’re not dead, and you cannot sleep. We must walk around in black and white, being followed around by our shadow, our spectre, our only friend: insomnia. But where did all of the colours go, and why are we left with nothing but the sleepless bodies of our […]

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Tech Talk: DNS and your privacy

Keeping your privacy on the internet is getting harder, with more government or private organizations being interested in using personal data for their own benefit. One of the best ways to keep your privacy on the internet is to set up domain name servers (DNS) properly. Let’s find out why and how. First off, what […]

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First Things First: The unnecessary existential crisis

Picture this: You’re on the floor thinking about how you haven’t done anything special in your life while everyone else is living theirs way better than you ever could, and you feel like a failure. Sure, I’m going to school, you think, but everyone else does that. I’m nothing special.  You then think you must […]

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Unpacking the Bags: A letter from an international student to Victoria, BC

Dear Victoria,  When I arrived, we were complete strangers. I carried in my bag a mixture of feelings—nervousness, anxiety, and satisfaction. I could feel that you, on the other hand, were quiet and patient. At first, we didn’t like each other because we did not speak the same language and you had a different climate […]

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Communication Error: Trap doors

Are you afraid of spiders? It’s said that when one conversational door closes, another opens. What if lying behind the door of new opportunity is an eight-foot-tall, hairy trap-door spider ready to paralyze you, then spin you in its web for later consumption? All while it feeds on your friends? We’re told that networking, branching […]

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Campus Access: Richmond House woes

Most buildings on Camosun’s Lansdowne campus are decently accessible. However, due to the age of the campus, there are a few buildings that have not been modernized. One such building is the Richmond House. Not only is the building itself inaccessible, so are the services that are run within it, which include the Women’s Centre, […]

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The Periodic Column: Me, my interstitium, and I

I might be a little late to the science party, and maybe everyone else has already gotten over this discovery, but I sure haven’t. Back in March (ancient history, I know), scientists discovered a new maybe-organ, the interstitium. Researchers originally called this newly discovered tissue type an organ, but there has yet to be a […]

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Health with Tess: Exercise doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg

School is hard on our bodies, especially in November and December. We know we’re probably not getting as much exercise as we should, or even as much as we got in the summer. The cold weather is making it easier and easier to reach for the chocolate and fries (hopefully not at the same time), […]

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Let’s Talk?: Fuckboys 2.0

Last issue, I talked (or vented and gave our poor editor an extra grey hair or two) about my frustration with “fuckboys” and the role they play in today’s society. I think it’s important to acknowledge just that: they play a role. They are not the be-all-end-all of the dating pool, and as a society […]

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