Gay as in Happy: You are enough

I think every queer person I’ve ever talked to has worried about the word “enough” a lot. I don’t know where we all got it, but as sure as all third graders magically know how to draw that pointy S, all queer people seem to develop the idea that queerness is something you can possess […]

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Fellas, Let’s Figure It Out: Don’t get burnt out

“Burnout” has become somewhat of a buzzword in the last few years; it’s a concept we’ve all almost certainly heard thrown around but may not truly know what it means. Burnout is when your body and mind have worked past the point of exhaustion, signalling that you need to rest. I’m willing to bet that […]

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Lydia’s Film Critique: Meantime

The period between the end of one act and the beginning of another is called the meantime, a dull and aching stretch of patience and irritation. The meantime is where the Pollock family lives, in the company of three million other unemployed Brits under 1980’s Thatcherism, while they scrape by and grow restless.  There is […]

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Lydia’s Film Critique: Horrors of womanhood

It’s common knowledge among my peers by now that horror is, generally speaking, the genre I least admire. That’s not to say I don’t like creepers and crawlers—I most certainly do—however, it’s for a variety of reasons, beginning with tasteless shock and ending with the perpetual fear I already experience as a young lady, that […]

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Gay as in Happy: It’s beginning to look a lot like Gay Christmas

Every year, Halloween rolls around and a bunch of people in the queer community call it “Gay Christmas,” but what the heck does that even mean?  The nickname can be traced as far back as the ’50s, so the practice is nothing new. Christmas is considered the highest holy day for a lot of people, […]

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Fellas, Let’s Figure It Out: Nailing work/life balance

Work/life balance is more than just a buzz phrase. Work/life balance is how you keep up with your studies while not letting your social life slip away, or vice versa.  This is definitely a challenge in the world of college students. Throw in the fact that many of us are working as well, and it’s […]

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Lydia’s Film Critique: But I’m a Cheerleader

If the allegations are true and Megan is a lesbian, it would explain her vegetarianism, Melissa Etheridge poster, and, most of all, her deep admiration for the female form.  Even her friends and family have recognized the signs, and her totally hunky boyfriend has detected some glaring distaste for their make-out sessions. Evidence of Megan’s […]

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Gay as in Happy: A queer wonderland

Welcome to my column, my queer wonderland, my fruit basket, my fairy world, or (borrowing from Tony Kushner) my gay fantasia on national themes. Here we will be exploring not only what it means to be an LGBTQ student at Camosun, but also what it means to be queer in the world at the moment. […]

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Lydia’s Film Critique: Salesman

Door to door, and door to door to door, they come dressed smart with wit up their sleeves. In one hand, the holy book; in the other, clammy desperation. Although they may be Bible salesmen, the Lord is seldom on their side. Documentary film Salesman (1969)—directed by Albert Maysles, David Maysles, and Charlotte Zwerin—dedicates itself […]

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Fellas, Let’s Figure It Out: Meal-prepping basics

As college students in the 21st century, we all live extremely busy lives. Between our studies, work, exercise, and social lives, healthy eating can get overlooked. There’s nothing wrong with grabbing a Subway sandwich or other fast food every once in a while if you’re on the run. However, eating out all the time can […]

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