Communication Error: Monotony-induced paralysis

Slipping without squeezing—and dying without living. Hearts beat without your consent, planets continue to spin without your knowledge, and the McPeople populating this giant value meal will never remember your name. So why, then, am I still watering this plant? If it all ends, and you’re not invited to the reopening, should the day matter? […]

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The Chopping Block Chronicles: Whole-animal butchery reconsidered

In last issue, I talked about the horrendous amount of food we as Canadians are producing and wasting every year. However, I’m not the type that likes to rant about an issue without providing some sort of solution. But this time I don’t have to provide a solution; it’s out there, it just means getting […]

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First Things First: Help! I have no social life!

At first, I thought it would be funny to just end this column with one line right here, maybe say, “This is a legitimate cry for help” or something, but that would be “unprofessional” and “worrisome.” We all love that self-deprecating humor, right?  The unfortunate thing is that humans are social creatures, and our brains […]

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Let’s Talk: Smile

I recently discovered a book that gives suggestions for 365 days of social media prompts. I opened the book and flipped to an arbitrary day: February 13.  On this page, the suggested post was something acknowledging that women smile 62 times a day while men only smile eight. It then went on to remind men […]

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Health with Tess: Take a technological break

How is your relationship with your phone? It’s a loaded question, but that makes it all the more important. This has been a common topic of conversation in my Communication and Technology class, especially after we were assigned to track our digital technology use over the course of 24 hours. I made the gross discovery […]

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Let’s Talk: The real meaning of Valentine’s Day

It’s coming, and it’s inevitable—like grey hairs or the apocalypse, Valentine’s Day is fast approaching.  Now, I’m not going to dump on people who are into the holiday, nor am I going to defend that the reason it’s pointless is because it’s a greeting-card company holiday made to pump money into the economy after the […]

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First Things First: How to feel like a human being

Know what’s cool about college? No one tells you what to do. You have all that free time between classes to do whatever you want (and to work on your assignments). Some days you might have only one class, or none! Think of all that time (to do assignments) you can personalize! How will you […]

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Communication Error: Focus

I close my eyes for the same reason that you open yours: to see. To see a place that cannot be seen, to hear a language that cannot be heard, and to feel a sensation that cannot be felt. All too often we see the world through promises or, rather, broken promises. These promises fill […]

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Health with Tess: A food guide without industry influence

Did you know we’ve got a shiny new Canada’s Food Guide? Trust me, this is more exciting than it sounds. The 2019 guide was made without industry influence and is based on science instead of the opinions of people out to make a financial gain. “But where is the corruption?” you ask. Well, nobody was […]

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