Communication Error: Spilling voices

Jogging at a standstill, layering yourself into position, and dripping into place—not unlike a gelatin mould of yourself. Voices are running wild, and they are running nowhere. Where exactly are you going, voices, and are you not already somewhere you wish to be? Spending time devising ways to spend time isn’t exactly useful right now, […]

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Let’s Talk: Summer love

Like many students, I’m finding my sea legs again after the insanity that was end-of-the-semester mayhem. Finals are done, grades are in, and I’m back in the swing of working full time and having my evenings free from homework—also known as having time to write things that I’m not getting graded on! In addition to […]

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First Things First: Picture-perfect notes

Have you ever heard of the studyblr or studygram community? It’s a wretched, cursed place that I willingly visit, and you might too. There’s something so clean and perfect about it that makes me so conflicted I decided to write a column—no, a warning—on what it is and why I love it. Simply, it is […]

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Communication Error: Parrot juice

I thought that I saw a parrot; a flock of parrots flying freely here and there—parrots everywhere. Although I am not entirely sure if they were parrots or not. As I stared intensely out of my window I witnessed a colourful figure ascending from one corner of my eye to the other; in a blink […]

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Health with Tess: From financial hell to financial health

You know what people never talk about? Financial health. Once upon a time, only a couple of years ago, I had just under $5 and some laundry-card credit to my name. I hadn’t even spent money on fun—it was purely the cost of responsibilities. Not my best moment, but it did inspire (scare?) me into […]

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The Chopping Block Chronicles: The socially acceptable drug

First off, I just want to point out that I am an avid coffee drinker (I write this as I take a sip of my quad espresso), and that the purpose of this article is solely to question our philosophies around substances in general. I was once posed a question in one of my health […]

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Health with Tess: Exam season? Sleep season!

Happy exam season! Yeah, I’m rolling my eyes and glaring at me too. We’ve got exams, we’ve got essays, and we’ve got presentations. It’s not really the time of semester that we celebrate; usually, we celebrate surviving it. One thing that will help you get through the upcoming chaos is sleep. Yep, that thing we […]

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First Things First: How to procrastinate smart

I have a style of procrastination that I like to call “active procrastination.” Instead of doing the things you love to do to put off working, you clean. Or cook, or do extra work for another class, or finish a quiz a week early. Sometimes I plan out my life for the next two years […]

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Communication Error: The Midas touch

Through heaven and hell, success and sin, you lay adrift as if the day is done, although there is no rest for the wicked, and surely you are no saint. “Escaping” is really just a different term for “staying.” For when is the last time you truly escaped your problems—or have they not simply stuck […]

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Let’s Talk: She’ll have a sleeve

Allow me to set the scene: my boyfriend and I are out for dinner with my family at a low-key sit-down place that has us seated in the kid-friendly corner thanks to my teeny-tiny nephew. As we’re finishing up our meals, a man and a woman walk in with four young kids (three boys and […]

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