Freedom from Addiction: Addiction 101

Addiction is a strange phenomenon. A person can know to some extent that they are addicted and still find a way to circumvent the problem and continue the behaviour that they know is dysfunctional and harmful without really looking directly at it. It remains just on the periphery of their direct awareness, even though it […]

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Let’s Talk: Promise to keep the conversation going, okay?

It’s shocking to think that 18 months ago, I wrote my first Let’s Talk? column. In some ways it seems like yesterday; in others, it seems like it’s been a lifetime. From Women’s Day to fuckboys, from consent to baking for firemen, from Alabama to questioning the validity of Ross and Rachel, Let’s Talk? has […]

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Health with Tess: Time management for your health

If I have freshly relearned anything during my time at Camosun, it’s the unshakeable value of time management. It’s one of those lessons I’ve had to keep learning over the years, utilizing strong time-management skills while busy and throwing everything to the wind when my to-do list shrinks. Like most students, I work a lot […]

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First Things First: Keeping the positive attitude

When I first had the idea for this column, it was out of pure adrenaline. I think that’s how I made most of my decisions in my first year. I followed through with a lot of my first instincts—sometimes it worked out, sometimes it didn’t. That first-day-of-school anxiety was nothing new to me. The transition […]

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Health with Tess: Maintaining your academic health

Life is unpredictable, and things out of your control can happen during your time studying at Camosun, but this does not have to determine your future opportunities. Grades matter, and they get looked at when you apply for future schooling or even for some jobs. When personal illness, affliction, or family problems arise and they […]

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Let’s Talk: Re-examining former favourites

There was a time not so long ago when I was blissfully unaware of how poorly female characters were written in a vast majority of movies. I would hear people complain about how there was a serious lack of strong women getting screen time, and, in my lack of being woke, I didn’t seem to […]

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First Things First: Getting ahead in the new year

Now that class registration is finally here and we’re at the peak of summer, I’m here to tell you how to cheat the system and start being a good student by taking care of things early. You’re probably laughing at me right now: “Studying early? What am I, a nerd?” Okay, rude, but preparing as […]

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Let’s Talk: Let’s talk about Alabama

As the writer of a column about women’s issues, one would think that I’d be sitting at my keyboard with bated breath, fingers feverously clicking across the keys as I express my views on everything going on in the southern states right now.  But in reality, I’ve been dreading writing a column for this issue. […]

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First Things First: Struggles for a summer job

As May wastes away through long nights of watching cooking ASMRs and worrying over when classes are available, June swoops in with the reminder that you don’t have a job. Three months is a long time if you don’t have much of a purpose. But when I’m happily trapped in a cycle of hedonism, I […]

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Health with Tess: Sweet slumber and circadian rhythms part 2

Back in the dark ages of last semester, when everything was due and tensions were high, I touched on how sleep helps us concentrate and be more productive, and how poor sleep can impact our immune systems and mental health. Many of these are short-term benefits that compound to help manage long-term health, but they […]

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