Social Survival 101: How to stay warm but look cool this winter

As cold, wet weather begins to cast a shadow on our summer wardrobes, many fashionistas will find it increasingly difficult to continue making edgy statements through the holes of their pre-tattered pants while also staying warm and dry enough to look nonchalant about it. Some will compromise with base layers beneath their extreme cut-out jeans […]

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Freedom from Addiction: Learning to recover

What drives addiction? Exploring this question is essential if we are to change our lives for the better and recover the person we were meant to be—the person we are beneath our dysfunctional patterns and behaviours. This person can be recovered—that’s why it is called “addiction recovery.” I believe that what drives addiction is a […]

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Queering: On queer health care

I have waited with clammy palms in many doctors’ offices. I mentally prepare myself for all medical appointments, fighting against anxiety by listing out what I need to communicate to my care provider, rehearsing the most concise words to use to avoid being spoken over or having my needs assumed.  Accessing health care despite the […]

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Social Survival 101: How to make eye contact in four simple steps

Year after year, I’m increasingly convinced that we will one day see the dawn of that great utopian vision foretold by WALL-E of a truly advanced, carefree human society. But in the meantime, as we trudge through the crude world beyond our mystical screens together, the rudimentary ability to make eye contact with the people […]

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Freedom from Addiction: The ups and downs of withdrawal

Anyone who has consciously gone through withdrawal from a serious addiction would agree that it is extremely difficult and painful, and—if they made it through it—that they are glad to be on the other side.  Withdrawal from sex and love addiction may not seem so bad. Indeed, sex and love addiction is sometimes regarded as […]

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Hold My Beer, I Lost My Keys: How to clean your apartment, student style

Among the list of to-dos in a young adult’s life, the most mundane task has to be cleaning their grotesque apartment. If you’re anything like me, this chore always seems to sneak up on your way out the door to ’90s night at Logan’s or Blackout Sundays at the Rooftop. What if you should bring […]

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Camosun Business Study Group club column: Why is important

Samuel Pierpont Langley was the inventor of the first man-carrying airplane capable of sustained flight. You might say, “Wasn’t that the Wright brothers?” Well, you’re not wrong. Read on. Langley was the head of the Smithsonian Institute from 1887 to 1906. He dreamed of making it big like his heroes Edison and Bell, so he […]

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Hold My Beer, I Lost My Keys: The funny business of running a business

Today, I’m going to talk about owning a business, which, when exploited properly, can aid and abet the party. For about three years, I ran a business where I built and repaired guitars for hobbyists and performing musicians. It was by far the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life. Thinking about running your […]

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Freedom from Addiction: Facing death and shattered mental constructs

I’ll never forget West Texas. It was there, in the middle of the desert in the middle of the night, where death suddenly entered my life.  I felt my then-boyfriend Cody (not his real name) get out of bed quite suddenly, and although it was still dark, my first thought was that he must be […]

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Hold My Beer, I Lost My Keys: Drunk on deadlines

You know, when I got the opportunity to start this column and came up with the idea for Hold My Beer, I Lost My Keys, I was over the moon about the thought that any wisdom I’ve accumulated while attempting to walk the tightrope of being a responsible adult and self-assured child with a credit […]

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