Camosun Business Study Group column: Introductions and salutations

Welcome! Whether this is your first semester or you’re a few years in, Camosun Business Study Group welcomes you. We’re a group of students who help others succeed, whatever their career path may be. Do you have to be a Business student? Nope! We’ve helped students from all disciplines, and last semester we started to […]

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Hold My Beer, I Lost My Keys: How to have dinner with parents

Having dinner with your parents is like sitting across the table from a firing squad armed with questions about your past, present, and future. To survive, you have to be focused and quick on your feet. You can’t be shooting from the hip with evasive news like “Elizabeth’s pregnant!” This is the first time they’re […]

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Queering: Love letter to a term

I love the word “queer.” It fits my body naturally and eases my insecurities. It sits alongside my experience comfortably and gives me a way to describe the affections I have known. It’s an identity that embraces all that I am physically, emotionally, and sexually. The word feels open and welcoming; it sees me and […]

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Camosun MyWellness column: Mental health talent show coming next semester!

Calling all students and faculty! The Camosun MyWellness program is hosting a talent show to raise awareness for mental health early next semester, and we need your creativity! Singing, dancing, poetry, short stories—you name it, we want it. So what are the criteria? We just ask that you pick content that has some focus around […]

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Social Survival 101: How to create a safest space

As hate, prejudice, and oppression continue to pervade the world, safe and safer spaces have made valiant strides toward a more accessible, fair, and diverse society. However, recent technological breakthroughs will soon enable forward-thinking communities to evolve into their most equitable form yet: the safest space. Whereas safe and safer space proponents have relied upon […]

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Freedom from Addiction: Learning to let go

“Let go” might be the mantra of my life. Long before I entered recovery for sex and love addiction I was aware that my mind was like a bear trap: once I decided I wanted something I was absolutely bent on getting it.  This was not ambition. I was not simply going to do what […]

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Politics and Other Nonsense: Reconciling climate change with the needs of the people

There’s been talk of separatism in Alberta and Saskatchewan recently due to the outcome of the federal election, amongst other growing concerns. The oil and gas industries are huge in these provinces—this causes concern surrounding the carbon tax. Therefore, there is growing resentment toward the federal government for not doing enough to protect the interests […]

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Camosun Business Study Group column: Building a mentor

Why do we need a mentor? In the last issue I raised the concern of faking it until you make it, showing the hazard of confusing false confidence with true skill. A mentor is someone who can help us obtain the right skills and confidence to succeed, and we perceive them as being paramount to […]

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Social Survival 101: How to ask better icebreaker questions

Learning to effectively break the ice when meeting new people is integral to productive networking. But in the heat of the moment, it’s easy to get stuck regurgitating the same dusty old questions that have become less meaningful over time. Rather than remain chained to these stale habits of inquisition, let’s take a moment to […]

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Hold My Beer, I Lost My Keys: How to nail a great job

How does anybody get an honest, good-paying job anymore? I’m not talking about taking split shifts at Taco Bell to keep the lights on—I’m talking about a career that sustains a good quality of life. A pay grade that allows you to raise a family, put food on the table, and afford that bitchin’ Ms. […]

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