Lydia’s Film Critique: They All Laughed

In Manhattan, the air is crowded, the people jaded, and the racket tireless. But in Peter Bogdanovich’s Manhattan, crosswalks are merely optional, light jogs are city transit, and an effervescent love has swept up the city and all its citizens.  They All Laughed (1981) calls itself “a New York romance,” a nebulous summary telling very […]

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Fellas, Let’s Figure It Out: To be vulnerable is to be human

Vulnerability is something that many men, including myself, struggle with. It’s hard, and it can be scary, but it’s vital in developing and maintaining deep and authentic relationships. Here’s why. To be vulnerable is to put yourself in a position, through your words or actions, where others can hurt you and trusting that they won’t. […]

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Dropping the Needle: Taylor Swift’s era

Taylor Swift’s The Eras Tour has come to an end with her last three shows at BC Place in Vancouver. It’s impossible to ignore the tour’s unprecedented impact on music and culture. And with this, it’s time to talk about where Swift stands as one of the greatest pop artists of all time.  The Eras […]

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Reasons to Live… In Victoria: New Year’s decadence

It’s been about a week since many of us made a New Year’s resolution. I used to set unrealistic health and wellness goals like lose 10 pounds, start exercising and eating healthy, blah blah blah. But I don’t actually want to do any of those things. It’s not that I don’t think exercise and nutrition […]

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Pieces of Performance: Missy Ink fills the stage with her burlesque energy

Missy Ink has been a force to reckon with since stepping onto the burlesque scene in December 2022. As a dancer for 20 years prior to stepping into a different style and persona, she says the nerves are nothing but distant memories. Before she performs, she creates the visual in her mind, the energy she […]

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Gay as in Happy: Love in a time of elections

So what exactly are you supposed to do when an election puts someone who wants you non-existent in office? While the American election is outside our zone of influence, we’re not outside of its influence. As Pierre Trudeau once said, “Living next to [America] is in some ways like sleeping with an elephant.” And with […]

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Reasons to Live… In Victoria: The joy of cocktails

A while back I was experiencing a bout of depression, and was struggling to leave my house. I searched through the cobwebs in my mind for something that once brought me joy but would require little effort. My partner suggested we go out for dinner. I love everything about restaurants: the ceremony of fine dining, […]

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Lydia’s Film Critique: Clifford (and unconditional love)

It is beyond all reason and yet beyond all doubt we love what we do. And in regard to art (and in regard to film), there could be nothing more deeply and illogically adored. In other words, what is well loved, in public or otherwise, is anchored to the soul by intangible weight, inexplicable as […]

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Fellas, Let’s Figure It Out: Finals season

Finals season at Camosun is fast approaching once again. No matter what program you are in, it’s likely you’re starting to feel the crunch. At the time of writing, I have over a dozen assignments, five exams, and what feels like a million group projects due in the next month.  It can certainly feel overwhelming […]

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