Listen and Learn: Dylan Willows Celebration a night of love

Tuesday, March 19 was a bittersweet night of love honouring Dylan Willows, formerly of The Zone 91.3 FM, as he faces terminal cancer. This was the second of two sold-out shows that made up the Dylan Willows Celebration, put together to help raise money for Willows and his family. Willows was overwhelmed by the support, […]

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Not the Last Word: Gaining Zen

In my Eastern Religions class, we recently had the unique experience of spending time with a Buddhist priest. I don’t know exactly what I was expecting, but I was surprised. The reverend was dressed in traditional garb, but didn’t give off the impression of someone who was floating 24/7 on a cloud of Zen. He […]

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Listen and Learn: Camosun student Tyler Evans-Knott shines from spark to flame

The annual Spark to Flame concert presented by the Victoria Conservatory of Music (VCM) is a showcase where students perform solos accompanied by a symphony. This year’s took place on Saturday, February 24; the age range was large, with the youngest student being 10 years old and others attending Camosun College. My favourite performance at […]

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Fellas, Let’s Figure It Out: Walk it off

Well, Camosun students, it’s that time of year: crunch time for the winter semester. I don’t know about you, but for me, this semester has flown by. It almost feels like I blinked and suddenly I have three papers and four exams due next week and countless quizzes on the horizon. It’s easy to become […]

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Kiryn’s Wellness Corner: Practicing non-violence

One of the foundational principles of yoga is ahimsa, which is the Sanskrit word for non-violence. The teachings of yogic philosophy and asana (physical postures) include the application of non-violence toward all beings, including oneself.  The practice of ahimsa, on and off the mat, begins in the mind and actions toward oneself and in thought […]

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Fellas, Let’s Figure It Out: Nutrition talk

Nutrition plays a pivotal role in the overall health and well-being of men, impacting various aspects of our lives, ranging from physical performance to mental acuity. Today, I’ll be sharing some actionable nutrition tips to help you improve your health and wellness one meal at a time. The number-one easiest way to improve your health […]

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Not the Last Word: Aging difficulties

I’ve mentioned before that I’m one of those late-blooming students that decided to go back to school in their 30s. I’d previously had a rather unpredictable and gregarious lifestyle through much of my life, changing jobs and careers, dabbling (or rather absorbing myself) in activities that were not healthy to my body or spirit. The […]

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Kiryn’s Wellness Corner: Fly like an eagle

Hopefully the time during your reading week break allowed you to take rest, connect with nature and friends, catch up on reading, or do whatever helps you to best manage the stress of mid-winter and school projects. A great go-to posture is eagle pose, or garudasana in Sanskrit. The posture is great for physically wringing […]

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Listen and Learn: Garden City Grooves celebrates 10th anniversary

The 10th anniversary of Garden City Grooves—which took place from Thursday, February 15 to Saturday, February 17—featured a tribute to Amy Winehouse, a celebration of Black History Month, and a night of British Columbian hip hop. Once again, the Victoria Ska and Reggae Society put together a stellar music festival. A last-minute change to the […]

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