Freedom from Addiction: The power of the label

My mom has told me that she does not like labels. Before I even went to my first Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous (SLAA) meeting, I made an announcement to my mom, step-dad, and brother, who I was living with at the time following a relationship with a violent, abusive, manipulative nightmare of a man. […]

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Because I Said So: Affordable and healthy summer fun

With classes—for ourselves and for our children—at an end, the BC government moving into phase three of its restart plan, and summer upon us, I notice the tension in the air melt away like the sea-salt caramel ice cream cone dripping in my hand. While we now have the freedom to travel within British Columbia, […]

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Freedom from Addiction: The formula for recovery

Every journey through addiction recovery is unique, because everyone’s journey through life is unique. However, I believe that there are some essential ingredients in order for an addict to have success in becoming sober and finding the lost joy, peace, and self-worth that comes from remaining sober. If there is a formula for addiction recovery […]

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The Examined Life: Are you angry?

By now you’ve heard about the Black Lives Matter movement and the associated protests. Maybe you’ve even attended one of these marches yourself. It’s so extremely disheartening that these protests are even necessary. We have made huge strides in the past 100 years, but bigotry still lingers. The movement has seen some success: the amount […]

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Politics and Other Nonsense: Caution is key with reopening

With the reopening process underway in BC, people are starting to ease up on cautionary measures such as using hand sanitizer, which is really not good or productive. Even though businesses are opening back up, we are far from being out of the woods. By people being more lax with safety measures, they are putting […]

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The Examined Life: Coping with COVID: a stoic perspective

We are very fortunate to be living on Vancouver Island in the midst of this pandemic, as we benefit from the natural geographic isolation an island affords. We find ourselves in one of the safest places to be as restrictions start relaxing and the city slowly reopens. Still, some may find it difficult to resume […]

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Freedom from Addiction: Alchemy

I was talking to friend recently about language. He said to me, “You are honest and smart. I think you owe it to yourself to be more precise with your language.” I had told him in a text message that I was feeling unloved that day. Specifically the word “love” was the lack of precision […]

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Because I Said So: How becoming a parent prepared me for post-secondary

Yes, becoming a parent can be exciting, but it’s also a tremendous challenge. Let’s not kid ourselves: nothing can really prepare the parent-to-be for what lays ahead. Sleepless nights, breastfeeding, cholic, illness… The list goes on. And, no matter how much our children change and grow, the challenge of parenting remains. But we did it. […]

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Freedom from Addiction: Shame is the name of the game

I aim to bring more awareness to a topic that is not completely understood in our society: addiction. Specifically, I speak to sex and love addiction, because addiction to sex, validation, relationships, and so-called “love” has ruled over much of my life. Of course, it isn’t real love anyone becomes addicted to. In reality, it […]

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