Unsettled and Striving: “Indigenous Studies” as tangible proof

In September, I received the curriculum for the Indigenous Studies courses I was taking at Camosun College. Some deep part of me exhaled a bated breath. Here was proof that we do not have to consider the Earth just a “resource”: stories, videos, articles all explaining how Indigenous people of Turtle Island have interacted with […]

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Freedom from Addiction: Addiction and music

I started learning the guitar when I was 17; by 19, I was playing and singing my songs at open mics. I was beside myself with stage fright most of the time, even though I was routinely told that I was very good, and to not stop—fame awaited me! Despite the validation and encouragement, I […]

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The Examined Life: Finite beauty

Death is the logical conclusion to life—we all must come to terms with that eventually. What I have a more difficult time accepting is that everything else will end one day, too. There is a timer on the universe and when it runs out, that’s it. And long before that happens, humankind will have gone […]

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Unsettled and Striving: Empower our youth with the truth

When entering Camosun College this year, I chose the courses I did because I wanted to hear in-depth details about this country’s truths that are generally kept hushed. Once I understood that what had been taught in my middle- and high-school “social studies” classes was a censored, white-washed illusion regarding the establishment of so-called “Canada,” […]

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The Examined Life: The thin line of progress

Modern computers have existed for less than 100 years. In that time, they’ve gone from monoliths that took up entire rooms to the pocket-sized devices we all walk around with today. Smartphones are said to have 100,000 times more processing power than the computer used by NASA in the Apollo 11 mission. The advancement in […]

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Freedom from Addiction: Becoming aware of your whole being

Some moments, I am okay, thankfully. Some moments I am good, content, grateful, peaceful. Sometimes, however, I suddenly feel like I’m starving for something. It’s an emotional or psychological something, but it feels like intense hunger, so I might eat something, even though my body is not hungry. This is how addiction works: we are […]

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Unsettled and Striving: Ignorance isn’t bliss, it’s a privilege

Today I am learning the complexities of navigating vast differences of values while still maintaining relationships. I used to be what folks might call a “doormat.” I had no backbone, no self confidence, no ability to stand up for myself, and I agreed with everyone. This way of being crumbled within me when I decided […]

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The Examined Life: Get your priorities straight

Should I work on homework or chill out with some snacks and watch Star Trek? If I choose homework, which class do I focus on? Okay, History—which assignment do I prioritize? We do this with everything: all the time, we are putting one thing ahead of something else, prioritizing our tasks. We can only do […]

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Freedom from Addiction: Moving forward through relapse

It is one thing to speak of the past—of where we once where but no longer are. I used to be in a relationship with a violent man, but I‘m not anymore. I used to smoke cigarettes, but I haven’t done that for well over a decade. Our past selves have the quality of being […]

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The Examined Life: Choose your convictions carefully

Words are delicate, but they also have power. You must be careful about how you define words and which words you use. One misplaced word and your meaning can be misconstrued. For that reason, I want to make a distinction between beliefs and opinions, and convictions. Beliefs and opinions are similar in that they don’t […]

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