Nic’s Flicks: Brewmance an interesting look at home brewing

Brewmance (2021) 3.5/4 One of my favourite memories that I have of growing up is going to the Royal British Columbia Museum to see the newest documentary that the IMAX theatre was showing. Whether it was a documentary on rocks or dinosaurs or volcanoes, I’ve always been intrigued by the power that good documentary filmmaking […]

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An Inside Voice: Forced to find inner strength while dealing with loss

During this pandemic, all of us have had to find new, possibly creative, ways to cope when normally support would be much easier to seek. It’s May 2021 now, 14 months since campus closed due to COVID-19, and, like many of you, I did not anticipate for a second that it would stretch out this […]

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Let’s Talk 2.0: Gender in branding and marketing

Marketing is everywhere—posters, television advertisements, even not-so-obvious things like branded clothing. The way certain products are marketed can make a huge impact in how they sell. The use of colours, shapes, and the name of the product can all influence how a product sells. But marketing can do more than just ensure a product sells […]

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Camosun Classes Abroad: Studying online is worth it

I was relieved when I officially finished my first semester in April. The length of a full semester is only four months, but it was like a year for me. I finally finished my night patrolling (regular readers of the column know what I’m talking about) and could get some peaceful sleep at night after […]

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Nic’s Flicks: Nobody an action hit despite flaws

Nobody (2021) 3/4 Before I sat down with my popcorn to watch Nobody, I had one simple question: can Bob Odenkirk be the next big action hero? From what I saw in this movie, the answer is a definitive yes. It brings me great pleasure to say Odenkirk is superb in his role as Hutch […]

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Let’s Talk 2.0: The importance of post-secondary in female leadership

When I went through old yearbooks recently, I was wondering how much my female teachers have shaped my views of leadership. They always were strong women who showed extraordinary leadership, and they were also very heartfelt and empathetic. I wish I could ask my former male classmates if they felt the same. If they cared. […]

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Camosun Classes Abroad: Summer break in a pandemic

It was confusing deciding whether or not to take a summer break this year. I know many people would usually just prefer to finish off their programs as soon as possible. However, for international students, this decision needs to be taken with a lot of caution and thought, especially for those students who are expecting […]

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Nic’s Flicks: Nomadland an award-winner for good reason

Nomadland (2020) 3.5/4 What recent Oscar-winning film director Chloé Zhao does so well with her stunning Nomadland is expertly combine the nomad’s fascinating lifestyle, Frances McDormand’s master-class  performance, a hard-working crew, and the film’s timely messages about grief and loss, putting it all into one Academy Award-winning movie. But McDormand is what I liked best […]

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Let’s Talk 2.0: The history of pink and femininity

A normal human eye has three types of cone cells, each of which can register around 100 distinct colour shades. Most experts believe that we can differentiate about 1,000,000 different colours. So, of all the colours available to us, why is pink equated with femininity? In January of 1953, Dwight Eisenhower became the 34th president […]

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Camosun Classes Abroad: Exams abroad

Exams are here! Actually, for any international student studying remotely, exams from abroad are here. We hardly thought we would make it to this point, but, eventually, we did. Initially, the exam structure of any Canadian college would come as a surprise for many international students from Asia and other parts of the world, with […]

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