International at Camosun: In-person classes at Camosun College

As I write this, I’ve completed week three in almost all of my courses. I see myself settling in with my new environment. I’ve had various interactions in class with the professors and my classmates, and I’m really enjoying learning in this new atmosphere. I’m having various open-minded dialogues in the classroom and enjoying interactive […]

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Leaving the Cave: Getting used to how things were

How is it getting used to society again? Is it weird that we are actually really getting used to it? Everywhere we go we must be wrapped up and sanitized and masked, even though a huge number of us are double vaxxed. We are still being protected from others, and the steps we’re taking toward […]

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Let’s Talk 2.0: What if women ruled the world?

By the time this is published, election day will be over, but I hope everyone who could took the chance to vote. What does this have to do with feminism? Easy—it wasn’t that long ago that the female population wasn’t even allowed to vote. I can’t be more frustrated thinking this could still be a […]

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International at Camosun: Learning about work and housing in Victoria

I was nervous and excited at the same time when I first started my in-person classes at Camosun. Everything was overwhelming; time management was an issue and it is still a big concern for me. As an international student I’m taking my best shot at handling my post-graduate student life and my part-time job. Back […]

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Leaving the Cave: First-week adventures

The morning of Tuesday, September 7 was a bright one. As I slammed my car door and felt familiar concrete, I looked around and thought the weather couldn’t have been more perfect—not too hot, not too cool—and, as if two years had never passed, there were the tents with bright and smiling students faces under […]

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International at Camosun: Finding balance at Camosun

When walking toward my classroom during my first day on campus, I saw a lot of glistening and bright faces. Like most students, I couldn’t find my classroom or even my building. I’m usually not a shy person, but I felt shy asking for directions; I think it was the post-quarantine/lockdown awkwardness. Some classrooms are […]

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Let’s Talk 2.0: Gender constructs

We’re all familiar with the phrase “gender is just a construct,” it being the 21st century and all. That said, this phrase is something that a lot of people will still eye-roll at. Gender roles have dominated our society for hundreds of years. We’re used to traditional ideas like how high heels are for girls […]

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Leaving the Cave: Setting new roots

So, we’ve done it—we’ve ploughed our way through the nightmare that has inflicted our lives during two treacherous years. Now with the first week of classes looming around the corner, what kind of feelings are students having about it all? There must be a mixture of everything—anger, distrust, fear, certainly hope. I’ve written many times […]

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Nic’s Flicks: Free Guy interesting film with cool concept

Free Guy (2021) 3.5/4 What I like about movies is the art form’s ability to explore high-end concepts. Think 1998’s The Truman Show, which successfully explores the unique concept of a man who finds out his life is just a TV show. Shawn Levy’s new film Free Guy also has much success turning an interesting […]

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