Not the Last Word: Connecting by disconnecting

I recently listened to a CBC program about our right to disconnect. Because of all the exciting technology available today, people are feeling more and more pressure to be plugged in to something all the time, whether it be scrolling through our phones, laptops, or Fitbits or giving commands to our houses and cars. There […]

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Listen and Learn: Fleshxfur aims to put Victoria rap on global map

Fleshxfur (pronounced “flesh and fur”) is setting the bar for the underground rap scene in Victoria. And it’s not just locals who think so: he’s the only Canadian to win five consecutive battles on Eminem’s Shade 45 XM station’s demo competition, where listeners vote on their favourite songs. Originally from Brampton, Ontario, Fleshxfur (also known […]

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Kiryn’s Wellness Corner: Side-bending into spring

Although the first official day of spring was back in March, our local weather has still felt a bit chilly, and you’ve probably noticed that you crave the comfort of warming foods and drink and bundling up inside. Notice, though, that as the days get warmer and longer you tend toward being outside longer and […]

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May Horoscope

Aries (March 21 – April 19) After the solar eclipse on April 8, you’ve had lots of time to focus on yourself, Ram. Career is a big topic for you in May; this is a good time for professional development. Jupiter entering Gemini on May 25 activates your third house, causing you to want to […]

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Lydia’s Film Critique: A late ’90s action-thriller double-feature

During lazy overcast days and nights, my television is plastered with simple-minded thrills. The DVD player runs on overdrive to amuse my obedient brain with good cops, bad cops, and Michael Douglas. I absorb every morsel of schlocky action. And while I sit at the edge of my crumb-infested sofa, tensions rise and fall into […]

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Lydia’s Film Critique: Me and You and Everyone We Know

The best thing a goldfish mindlessly forgotten atop a car roof can hope for is to drive steadily. Forever. Sudden brakes are destined for a stolen soul, forever clueless of being loved. A fish won’t ever know, but Christine Jesperson always will. She is the lonely hero. It’s only blue skies in Miranda July’s Me […]

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Fellas, Let’s Figure It Out: Studying tips

Spring has sprung, Camosun students! With the beautiful weather we’ve experienced lately also comes a dreaded season for many students: finals. In this issue, I’ll share some valuable study tips to help us all get through what can be an extremely stressful time. I’ve touched on this briefly in several of my previous columns, but […]

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Kiryn’s Wellness Corner: Digestion Talk

With warmer weather and more daylight hours comes the sloughing off of winter and heavier clothes. But sometimes our enthusiasm to welcome in spring is when we can catch that unexpected last winter cold. A great trick to bolster your immunity while stimulating your metabolism can be found in a few simple ingredients: fresh lemons, […]

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Not the Last Word: Abolish exams

I’ve written before about my belief that exams are generally a poor way to review a person’s knowledge about a subject. I’m still holding tight to that belief, as it was recently reinforced when I watched a documentary about Finland’s education system. In 1968, Finland’s system changed when parliament introduced legislation introducing a new comprehensive […]

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Nic’s Flicks: How Star Wars copied Dune

One of the most notable things I experienced while reading Frank Herbert’s Dune saga and watching both of Denis Villeneuve’s newest adaptations of the popular science fiction novel (both are really good and quite worthy of your time, especially the second one) is how much George Lucas stole from Herbert’s work when he created the […]

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