Leaving the Cave: Welcoming in the new year with positivity

Last month, during one of the wettest autumn seasons I’ve ever seen, I heard through the grapevine that the winter promised to be colder and snowier than usual. I have an image re-playing itself constantly in my head of two giant fingers reaching through the clouds, picking me up, and plopping down somewhere else, I […]

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This System Is Broken: First dispatch

When the canadian (I refuse to capitalize that word out of protest) government began using the word “reconciliation” I was one of the naive canadians who felt optimistic. I fell under the impression that things around here might actually change.  But then the government hired planeloads of RCMP to congregate in the Bulkley Valley and […]

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International at Camosun: Final goodbyes

Our exams are right around the corner, but so is Christmas! Victoria is a really beautiful place, especially during Christmas time—there are Christmas decorations everywhere, and I was pleased to recently be able to attend a Christmas parade. I finally feel like I’m at home here, settled in (enough, anyway), and adapted to this wonderful […]

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Nic’s Flicks: Dune fantastic, absorbing adaptation

The most challenging movies to make often prove to be book-to-film adaptations. Luckily, director Denis Villeneuve has done with Frank Herbert’s marvellous world Arrakis what Peter Jackson did with J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle-earth over a decade ago: made an incredibly good film that explores the philosophical themes and ideas that the author was trying to convey […]

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Leaving the Cave: Study habits

We’re deep into the semester now: midterms are past us and we’re up to our ears in assignments. I know it’s apparently an urban college myth, but doesn’t it feel like all the hardest and backbreaking night-owl kind of assignments seem to come at the same time, as if the instructors are having some secret […]

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Show me the Money: So you have some savings, now what?

In the previous issue of Nexus, we talked about creating a budget to help you start saving. In this issue, we’re going to look at some things you can do with the money you’ve saved. The most important thing to do with your savings is to create an emergency fund. This is cash set aside […]

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Let’s Talk 2.0: Movember musings

Being vulnerable isn’t just a female thing, yet it’s still treated like it is. I just wonder, is this how the male population want to be seen? As testosterone-driven beings with no emotion, here to show off their masculinity and throw coconuts on each other’s heads? Most likely not. So if males don’t want to […]

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International at Camosun: My first Halloween

They say that when there’s a festival coming up, you can feel it in the air. I’ve never honestly understood why everyone celebrated Halloween, a spooky holiday, but when it was coming up this year, I could certainly feel it in the air, and it made me excited to understand it better. It’s not just […]

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Leaving the Cave: Remember we’re together

When you look out the window these days and see nothing but rain, rain, rain, and more rain, do you ever stop and ask yourself what kind of self-care we need to do in these unsettling times? Although COVID-19 is sort of kind of maybe calming down, am I the only one who feels like […]

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Show Me the Money: Budgeting 101

As its name suggests, this column is about money. Specifically, we’ll be looking at personal finance, investing, and the market and economy. In this first instalment, we’ll talk about the most fundamental concept of personal finance: budgeting. The first step in creating an effective budget is to list all of your income and expenses in […]

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