This System Is Broken: ACAB, FTP (part 2)

Where I live, a small government body made up of Indigenous locals is our first point of reference (Council of the Haida Nation). They make a lot of calls that we listen to and abide by on Haida Gwaii, but ultimately we still exist under the canadian government and their enforcers, the rcmp. When there’s […]

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Let’s Talk 2.0: The double standard of self-sexualization

Hollywood has long objectified women for profit. It’s not surprising to see young, fit, and conventionally attractive women in large blockbuster movies, as these movies are usually directed toward a male audience. But it’s interesting to see how women are treated when they’re sexualized by someone else versus when they are sexualized by themselves. Self-sexualization […]

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Leaving the Cave: Spring lifts the spirit

The beginning signs of spring have a wonderfully predictable ability to lift the spirit. It doesn’t matter how dark and desolate my mood is—if a cheerful, graceful mother deer with two fumbling, dancing fawns happen to cross my path, there is an inevitable feeling of grace and wonderment at the beauty that still exists everywhere, […]

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Show me the Money: So you want to be a stock picker

Regularly investing in a diversified ETF such as SPY is a great strategy for most people, but picking individual stocks can be a fun and rewarding challenge. It feels great when your research and hard work pays off. In this column, I’ll briefly talk about how you can start picking stocks yourself. The discussion will […]

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Nic’s Flicks: The Power of the Dog immersive, powerful

The Power of the Dog (2021) 3.5/4 As a film lover, my favourite time of year is Oscar season. One of the greatest films out this season is Jane Campion’s faithful adaptation of Thomas Savage’s powerful novel The Power of the Dog. I’m happy to report that not only did I have a blast watching […]

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This System Is Broken: ACAB, FTP (part 1)

Do you remember the superhero title bestowed upon police officers when you were a kid? I do. I can recall my mother befriending local cops and introducing me to them with such excitement and awe on her face. These were members of our community, people we knew, who, like Peter Parker, flocked to scenes of […]

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Let’s Talk 2.0: The beauty of diversity

US national youth poet laureate Amanda Gorman stated in “The Hill We Climb,” the poem she read during Joe Biden’s presidential inauguration, that we live in times where “a skinny Black girl… can dream of becoming president/only to find herself reciting for one.” It was a bold move to read that at the inauguration, and […]

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Leaving the Cave: The good news of spring

The first signs of spring are a wonderful thing to see after going through months of howling winds, deep snow drifts, and cars skidding around black ice. Winter is exhausting unless you truly enjoy the layering of clothes, the loss of feeling in your earlobes and fingertips, and the constant leaking from your eyes and […]

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Show Me the Money: Stock markets going wild

If you have money invested in the stock markets, cryptocurrencies, or just about any other financial assets, the two weeks starting on January 17 must have been terribly unsettling for you. At the time of writing this (January 25), major stock indices have lost between 8 percent to 10 percent, and some popular cryptocurrencies have […]

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Nic’s Flicks: Don’t Look Up decent but with faults

Don’t Look Up (2021) 3/4 One of the most memorable new movies that I’ve seen recently is Adam McKay’s new political satire Don’t Look Up. This well-cast and mean-spirited smash has broke streaming records across the globe and is 2022’s most talked-about film so far. The main attribute that really makes this movie work is […]

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