Camosun College focuses on coastal issues with new program

Inspired by the coastal life around BC, Camosun is beginning a new program focusing on the trades element of marine and coastal culture. With the Coastal Skills Initiative program, Camosun is hoping to become one of the province’s top post-secondary institutions when it comes to coastal skills and marine education in the trades sector. Camosun […]

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New Camosun student club explores engineering

Camosun College is home to a brand new student club this year—the Society of Extraordinary Engineering Machines. The group is composed of student engineers who decided they should create a student club where they can mingle and come up with fun ideas related to their interests. “There are two engineering programs at Camosun—the Engineering Bridge […]

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Know Your Writer: Nexus features writer Quinn Hiebert on gaming and jewelry

Have you ever wondered about the Camosun students writing the articles you read in Nexus? Know Your Writers will help you dive into the minds of the writers behind the stories. This issue, we caught up with features writer Quinn Hiebert. What drew you to journalism? It was an accident. I’ve always wanted to be […]

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Post-secondary staple Peter Verin dies at 71

If you live in Victoria, there’s a good chance you’ve seen, if not had a conversation with, Peter Verin. Verin was a staple in the post-secondary community, living on the grounds of the University of Victoria for many years. Verin was known for carrying a large amount of items around with him in his shopping […]

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Camosun students use online media to facilitate social discussion

Camosun Sociology students Orieanna Hartley, Adam Jenkins, and Linda Derkacz united in November to embark on a project they had been inspired to take on right here in the classrooms of the college. Struck by the degree to which they felt that certain societal issues went insufficiently examined, the young academics decided to create an […]

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Camosun student writes contest-winning essay inspired by past

He’s a Camosun student now, but eight years ago, at the age of 25, Justin Scott wasn’t, and he was sick and tired of being sick and tired. Suffering from an addiction to methamphetamine and going through spiritual despair, Scott says he decided to go to his parents and isolate himself from his fellow drug […]

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Camosun Visual Arts exhibit focuses on student freedom

Taking 100 photographs and then arranging them in an artistically sound way is no small task, but that’s what Camosun Visual Arts students have done in Typologies, an exhibit up at the Lansdowne campus until December 6. Camosun Visual Arts instructor Nancy Yakimoski says watching the wide array of creative property that students come up […]

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