Camosun student gets serious about magic

For Camosun student and magician Jason Verners, magic is more than just jokes and tricks; it’s about creating a community at each of his shows. Verners, who is in his second year of the University Transfer program, says that he’s aiming to bring the audience into his new show, Millennial. “There’s a lot of technology […]

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Camosun student data crunches for causes with old computers

Those who have the ability to manipulate and change technology have power in today’s technology-driven society. And Camosun Computer Networks Electronic Technician student Triston Line is using that power for good. Line collects old computers—he has over 60 at his house—from organizations and uses their data-crunching power for research projects. The projects—which Line has done […]

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New CCSS First Nations director talks travel, educational journey

The dust has settled and the results are in for the Camosun College Student Society (CCSS) student council elections. CCSS First Nations director Katelynne Herchak says that although she’s a returning member to the CCSS board, she’s just as excited to be there now as she was two years ago when she was first involved […]

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Camosun student SCUBA Club makes diving affordable for students

Diving is an expensive recreational sport. Just ask Camosun SCUBA Club founder and president Rebecca Golat. Golat, a third-year Environmental Technology student, says that one dive costs roughly $75, depending on what kind of equipment you need. But, because they are a registered club through the Camosun College Student Society (CCSS), the CCSS covers half […]

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Camosun student and chair get involved in non-profit fundraiser dinner

The local non-profit Island Chefs’ Collaborative (ICC) is hosting a fundraiser dinner to help the organization spread the idea of healthy eating, and they’re doing it with some involvement from a Camosun student and chair. Camosun second-year Hospitality Management student Cameron Nayler is in charge of marketing for the event; he says that the lessons […]

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Camosun student club encourages students to consider sales as a career path

Camosun Marketing Communication Management student Mehtab Saluja has been working in sales for over five years. In 2016, he was approached by a recruiting organization with the task of strengthening the relationship between students and the sales industry. With that, the Great Camosun Sales Club student club was formed. “They need to get more involvement […]

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Camosun Video Games Club gives students a chance to unwind

The Camosun Video Games Club creates opportunities for students to unwind, meet, and greet over the great equalizer: video games. The club’s activities, which include getting together to play on consoles like the Nintendo 64 and Game Boy, are low-key and relaxing—not to mention entertaining. “Lots of people might want to play soccer, or they […]

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