Camosun brings therapy dogs to campus to help during exam crunch time

Final exams are stressful. Every spare moment of time is all about studying, and tight, worried stares replace cheerful faces as students prepare for the scenario that could make them or break them.  This is why for the last five years Camosun College has been bringing therapy dogs to both campuses during exam time, offering […]

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Camosun event calls for action against gender-based violence

From Monday, November 25 to Tuesday, December 10, Camosun students, staff, and faculty are invited to participate in a collaborative event being held at both campuses as part of the annual international campaign 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence. In Canada, the campaign includes the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence against […]

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Camosun student prepares to drop debut album

Second-year Sports Management student Aidan Vickery has always been interested in music, but he had no idea how long it would take to create his first rap album. Vickery’s been working on the release, 嬴檜堅~Cantina, for about a year and a half, and it’s finally going to see the light of day through Spotify, Apple […]

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Students bring Hollywood to Lansdowne Dunlop House pub

One of the main components of Camosun College’s Hospitality Management program takes place at Lansdowne in a heritage building originally built in 1928 as a house for the Dunlop family. Today, the Dunlop House serves as the location for a restaurant and pub managed and operated by the college’s Hospitality Management students. Louise Remus is […]

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Camosun instructor Kari Jones publishes new children’s book on resource strain

Camosun College English instructor Kari Jones recently had her most recent book, Ours to Share: Co-existing in a Crowded World, published by Orca Books. The book, Jones’ seventh, looks at how having almost eight billion people on Earth puts strain on resources. Still, despite the heavy subject, Jones remembers her audience—the book is for ages […]

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Camosun Chargers women’s basketball team excited about season

The Camosun College women’s basketball team is preparing for its upcoming season, which starts on November 1. Chargers women’s basketball guard Tessa Lannon-Paakspuu, who is a fourth-year Sport and Fitness Leadership student, is in her fifth and final year with the team. She says that she’s really excited about this season. “We have a new […]

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