Raven Spirit Dance honours land with Confluence

Close your eyes and imagine you are on the banks of the mighty Klondike and Yukon rivers in Dawson City; you hear the rush of each body of water as it meets, each energy weaving together to create something new and numinous. The force of this energy is the inspiration behind Raven Spirit Dance’s production […]

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The Drowsy Chaperone searches for light in dark times

Toronto-based director and choreographer Dayna Tekatch’s adaptation of the play The Drowsy Chaperone is hitting the Canadian College of Performing Arts’ stage this month. And according to Tekatch, the original play had a very interesting journey in getting produced. “This play began as a wedding gift from a group of friends who were broke in […]

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New Music Revue: Wizard Death deliver polished metal on I Am the Night

Wizard Death I Am the Night (Wise Blood Records) 4/5 Wizard Death is the father/son duo of Tim and Alexander Kenefic respectively, who mix ’80s metal vocals with a modern metal/rock sound. Formed in 2023, they have a polished sound with elaborate guitar riffs and driving drum lines. Listening to I Am the Night, I […]

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New Music Revue: Folly Group only halfway there with Down There!

Folly Group Down There! (So Young Records) 2.5/5 Down There! is the debut album from British post-punk band Folly Group. The appeal of the album will depend largely on how much you enjoy the genre. I vibed to the beats and instrumentation but less so to the lyrics and vocals. To more enthusiastic fans of […]

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New Music Revue: Courting delivers comforting heartbreak with second album

Courting New Last Name (Lower Third) 3/5 Liverpool-based rock band Courting’s second album, New Last Name, is centred on an ex. An ex who has settled down and is happier for it: it’s “Someone Like You” if Adele was a soccer hooligan. But perhaps this comparison is misleading. New Last Name is not meant to […]

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Victoria Film Festival documentary follows Bonnie Henry during the pandemic

The Victoria Film Festival (VFF) is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year. And there’s no shortage of events for movie lovers to enjoy at the VFF, from the fest’s lineup of movies from all over the globe to events such as chats with filmmakers. One notable example of the varied movie lineup is Vancouver-based Adrian […]

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Isle of Tease shines light on diversity in burlesque

The Isle of Tease Burlesque Festival celebrates the variety and history of burlesque while showcasing the diverse backgrounds of burlesque performers. Event co-producer Champagne Sparkles—also the co-founder of Victoria’s popular Cheesecake Burlesque Review, celebrating 18 years of being a burlesque troupe this March—says that what the Cheesecakes do is only part of what burlesque is […]

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Exhibit gives modern take on queer and BIPOC portraiture

Why do we take portraits of people? For hundreds of years, much of the function was to preserve someone’s image, flaunt wealth, or, among upper classes, advertise yourself for marriage to long-distance suitors. Other times, it’s to record history or shine light on a certain type of person or way of life. Today, selfies, video […]

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The Nexus 2024 movie preview guide

This year, audiences can expect some great times at the movies, as evidenced in the films I’m spotlighting here. This year is chock full of great movies that I can’t wait for—here are just some of the films that have me all jittery with excitement. Dune: Part Two March 1 It’s finally here. After the […]

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AGGV exhibit showcases local tattoo art and culture

Local tattoo artistry and culture is the focus of Tender Touch, an art exhibit at the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria. As a teenager, exhibit curator Mel Granley was interested in tattoos and body modification, noting that both her mother and grandfather had tattoos. Over the past 10 years, Granley has built a relationship with […]

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