The Killing Game hit-or-miss anthology of flippant fatalities

There’s something familiar to me about a raging deadly pandemic sweeping through a population, laying waste to its inhabitants and sparking political unrest, and through the residual trauma, I want nothing more than to just laugh and laugh at all of the fresh gravestones and ruined lives. This, at least, is the conceptual basis behind […]

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Behind the Moon a stellar hit

Behind the Moon is a gloriously triumphant victory of stage theatre. I went into it not knowing much, aside from the fact that it takes place in a Toronto-based Indian restaurant and stars one of Schitt’s Creek’s most endearing actors, Rizwan Manji. Aside from that, I was blissfully unaware of what I was sitting down […]

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Queen Maeve explores forgiveness through fantasy

Director and set designer Diana Budiachenko is a lover of creating abstraction and fantasy through her theatre productions, so it makes sense that she was excited to take on Queen Maeve. Theatre Inconnu’s production of Governor General Award winner Judith Thompson’s play is a perfect fit for Budiachenko. “When I read it for the first […]

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Isle of Tease returns to showcase diversity in burlesque

Isle of Tease has become one of the most anticipated burlesque shows of the year. Event co-producer Cherry Cheeks says that Isle of Tease, which brings together performers from local and afar, means a lot for the island burlesque community.  “I’m always excited for the local performers… [They] get to be on a theatre stage […]

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Pieces of Performance: Gender witch Brujo Mars/Minx Latinx representing on stage

They claim themselves lovingly as a gender witch, but audiences know the reigning Venezuelan drag king and burlesque beauty as Brujo Mars, or Minx Latinx (also known as Monika). When they started performing in April 2022, they set out to represent Latinos on stage and share an important story. “I am extremely proud to be […]

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The Killing Game tragedy encased in absurdist hilarity

Absurdism is a philosophical movement arguing that the universe is illogical and meaningless, and absurdist theatre, such as Eugene Ionesco’s The Killing Game, highlights this through a study of ridiculous human nature in response to extreme tragedy.  Although written in 1970, The Killing Game, being presented through UVic’s Phoenix Theatre, will feel familiar to modern […]

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Pacific Baroque Festival celebrates musical artistry borne from tragedy

The Thirty Years’ War, during the first half of the 17th century, was a period of intense political and religious upheaval in Europe, which claimed the lives of millions of soldiers and civilians due to conflict and famine. However, it was also a time of artistic flourish. “Somehow, the music that came out of that […]

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Victoria Film Festival showcases documentary on family curse

It’s lights, camera, and action for the Victoria Film Festival (VFF). The VFF celebrates cinema and this year will bring together filmmakers and film enthusiasts for 120 movies. One movie screening this year is Ghosts of the Sea, a documentary that delves into Virginia Tangvald’s search for clues about her brother Thomas’ death at sea, […]

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The Coda continues a legacy with new downtown music venue

While Victoria’s music scene is reeling over the consistent loss of venues, Al Smith and Christina Morrison are filling the gap with The Coda. The two are no strangers to the music community and knew they had to step up to save what is left of a piece of history in Hermann’s Upstairs. Smith and […]

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New Music Revue: Mac Miller drops enjoyable, experimental posthumous release

Mac Miller Balloonerism (Warner Records) 4/5 Mac Miller was an American rapper who has five studio albums. Miller died of an accidental overdose in 2018 at only 26 years old. Balloonerism is the second studio album that has been released after his death. Balloonerism is a heavy listen. Miller delves into his problems with addiction […]

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