Have you ever sat in class listening to the teacher lecture about some abstract concept while twiddling your fingers or biting your nails in agonizing boredom when all of a sudden sexy-time, lovey-dubby thoughts pop into your head? I know I sure have.
Maybe your imagination brought you to thinking about a cutesy cuddle-puddle with your significant other(s), or maybe it made you think of a hot and sweaty roll-around? Either way, let’s face it: many of us at some point in our studies have thought about getting risky and frisky on campus. In fact, some of us lucky ones have done it!

Sexy-time on campus isn’t necessarily the easiest thing to write about, given that most people who have had some special encounters on campus aren’t always willing to talk about them. It’s not like it doesn’t happen, it’s just that what happens in the bathrooms, lecture halls, staircases, teachers’ offices (yup, I went there), or the bushes on campus generally stays in those places. But in the hypothetical, people are more than willing to spill their deepest desires and fantasies about getting steamy or romantic on campus.
I asked over 200 students on both campuses where they would go (or have gone) to get frisky on campus, to try and come up with a mapping of all the sexy-licious places students have, or would like to, have frisky-time. While the answers were about as diverse as the students who answered them, a few popular answers would suggest that some places are just more conducive to the desires of the imagination.
Before we delve into the logistics of sexy-time on campus, we need to address something. Rape culture and sexual assaults pervade campuses across this country, so while I try to be sex-positive in writing this story, I also understand that it may be traumatizing for some. Not everybody is open to discussing sex or public displays of affection, so if you’re one of those people, I’d recommend to stop reading here.
Also, if this story gives you some thoughts on getting frisky on campus, just remember, consent (and I state, once again, consent) is by far the single most important thing you need to think about. Consent is about everyone wanting everything that is happening, so check in with your partner(s) and always ask permission to make sure everyone is having fun. So, with those thoughts in mind, let’s move on to the most popular answers students gave for getting frisky on campus.
Young Building lawns (Lansdowne)
It would appear that there are lots of exhibitionists among the student body at Camosun. By far the most popular answer at Lansdowne was the lawns in front of the Young Building. No surprise here: the beautiful architecture and immaculate lawn bordered by impressive twisting Garry Oaks creates quite the romantic setting for a roll-around in the grass.
While the out-in-the-open aspect of the lawns is intriguing for some, multiple bushes on the outskirts of Young offer perfect spots to bring your partner(s) for a snuggly make-out session.
Also, the open lawns offer a lot of sun during the spring and summer months, so not only can you get down on the soft grass, but you can tan while doing so. (Just remember, bums aren’t often exposed to the sun, so wear sunscreen!)
Forest nature trails (Interurban)
Sticking to the outdoors, the most popular answer at Interurban was the trails and woods behind campus. No surprise here: nature can be one of the best aphrodisiacs out there. The beautiful green forests, ponds, and soft moss patches offer a perfect retreat for the stressed-out student. In addition, chirping birds and frolicking animals can provide quite the mood-setting background symphony.
Interurban student Haley Christie says it best: “I like the outside, it just makes you feel happy to have fresh air and it’s not stuffy… it’s nice to be comfortable. It’ll just be you and the person you’re with, and it’s quiet; you can hear the sounds and it’s just relaxing.”
On a side note, Christie says “the most important thing about frisky-time is that I, right now, don’t have anyone to be frisky with.” The forest trails can be the perfect setting for a first date, so students, don’t be shy: ask someone out for a stroll!
Libraries (Lansdowne/Interurban)

It wouldn’t be a story about frisky-time on campus if no one mentioned the library. I don’t know what it is, but there’s something about libraries that make students… well, how to put this… adventurous. Maybe it’s the risk of getting caught, or maybe it’s something about scholarly textbooks that turns people on, or maybe it’s the desire to convert those hair-pulling research memories to something a little more fun.
Maybe it’s the smell of thousands of fiction novels, or maybe it’s the multiple times we’ve seen the library story play out in movies and TV shows; who knows? Either way, the library is a popular location for students’ lovely desires, so next time you’re browsing through books and see that special someone eyeing you through the cracks, ask for a kiss and see where it goes: you never know what may come to fruition. (Just be careful; paper cuts really hurt!)
Study rooms/breakout rooms/multimedia rooms (Lansdowne/Interurban)
The various study rooms on both campuses were popular answers for one reason: they’re private. As opposed to the outdoors, these spots are for those students who aren’t willing to bear the risk of being seen by others. In addition, it doesn’t rain indoors (although, come to think about it, the rain might make for quite the sloppy wet and fun experience outside).
The multimedia room at Lansdowne (the red room on the first floor of the library between the computer lab and the back tech info desk), for example, has no windows and has a lock, which just might make students feel a bit more comfortable when smooching, or whatever it is that those scandalous students do in there.
Just remember, folks, while these places are private, nothing can spoil the mood faster than a college staffperson storming in, so use at your own risk and we cannot condone the use of any college offices.
Young 216 auditorium (Lansdowne)
This lecture hall is probably the most beautiful one on both campuses and was a popular answer for a few reasons. First, the balcony on top is rarely used and provides a quiet spot to get away. Second, the doors to the lecture hall are old and squeaky, so they provide the much-needed warning that someone is coming in. Third, there is a piano in there, so if you’re planning an extra special experience, get a friend to play some classical music to put you in the mood. Better yet, if you’re a piano player, you can show off your skills for your special someone(s).
Finally, the echo: if you’re one of those people on the riskier (or louder) side of the frisky-time spectrum, or you’re into the spanking, the echo in Young 216 will add a bit of auditory sass to your experience. Just keep in mind that you might piss off the Young Building ghosts. Don’t piss off the ghosts: you’ll regret it!
Trades workshops (Interurban)
Leave it to the Trades students to mix work and play; why not? There’s something very sexy about welding masks, overalls, tool belts, engines, and wires. If you’re a welder, why not bring your lovely(s) into the workshops and see if there’s a spark (no pun intended). If you’re a carpenter, why not show off your skills handling wood (again, no pun intended). If you’re in the automotive program, why not let your partner(s) know about how things run smoother with just a bit of lubrication (okay, I’ll stop).
Washrooms/locker rooms (Lansdowne/Interurban)
While not as popular as the answers above, many students pointed to the washrooms/locker rooms as a possible spot to get frisky. Camosun student Will MacLean bravely told me his story about getting frisky in a washroom on campus. Unfortunately, the story is a bit too X-rated for the school newspaper, but I did get some insight into the motivations behind washroom/locker room frisky-time.
“There is an aspect that’s more appealing when there is a risk of getting caught,” reveals MacLean. “It turns me on.” I’d second that.
Empty classrooms (Lansdowne/Interurban)
Empty classrooms seem like logical places to sneak in a kiss or two. Make sure to write PLO (“please leave on”) on the chalkboard if you unintentionally leave a bum print.
Nowhere/anywhere (Lansdowne/Interurban)
While a few people stated that the campuses just don’t get their juices flowing, others said anywhere on campus works for them; some students (like me) just aren’t that picky.

Camosun: a love story
It’s not all about frisky-time on campus; sometimes it’s about love. This story is about two students who met after class and have spent virtually every day together since.
Introducing, the Camosun love story: student Crystal Derry met her boyfriend on campus. After an exam one day, the two ended up “standing outside in the freezing cold for three hours talking, and have been together ever since.”
Derry explains that because they both worked and studied on campus, “our entire relationship was Camosun.” Being on campus all day would be tough for any relationship, so Derry and her boyfriend found a special spot to get away where they could sneak in some kisses and snuggles.
Behind the Lansdowne parking lot is a little hidden path that’s out of the way, so that’s where the couple met during breaks. Although Derry is not much into the risk of getting caught, she suggests “the benefits of getting frisky sometimes outweighs the negative of the risk.”
“When you’re here on campus for 12 hours a day, you want to have a relationship and you’re both students, you’re going to fool around on campus,” she says. “We probably wouldn’t be able to start our relationship, especially keep going with a serious relationship, unless we had some interaction on campus, otherwise we would have no time for each other.”
When asked if there are any other places to go to sneak in a kiss on campus, Derry points to the front lawn of the Young Building.
“Where the benches are in the field, because it is really nice and romantic, especially in the evenings, there is a path that’s a little lit,” she says. “It’s just a very beautiful area, it’s a really nice place to go for a romantic walk between classes.”
Let’s just say that my heart melted a little bit when listening to Derry’s story. All I can say right now is this: too cute, just too cute.
So, there you have it, folks: it’s not just about frisky-time on campus. While there are a lot of spots around campus to get some make-out time in, sometimes it’s just all about spending some quality time with the person(s) you love.
Hopefully, this article gave you some perspective on all the lovey-dubby, sexy-time locations on campus. Next time you pass some bushes on campus and hear them rustling, maybe you won’t be so quick to assume that it’s just an animal.
It might, in fact, just be some students having some fun-loving frisky-time. Now I’m off to take a cold shower!
I’m just curious, are you seriously proposing that students have sex on Camosun campus grounds?
No. The story is just about people who have snuck kisses, or more, in between classes, but we’re not promoting it.