Fellas, Let’s Figure It Out: Nailing work/life balance

October 16, 2024 Columns

Work/life balance is more than just a buzz phrase. Work/life balance is how you keep up with your studies while not letting your social life slip away, or vice versa. 

This is definitely a challenge in the world of college students. Throw in the fact that many of us are working as well, and it’s easy to understand how you can go weeks without seeing your friends.

Keep reading for actionable suggestions on improving the balance between your studies, social life, and all the other obligations you’re bound to have as a college student.  

Fellas, Let’s Figure It Out is a column appearing in every issue of Nexus (photo provided).

The first key to obtaining some semblance of work/life balance is to get a grasp on your schedule. Take a glance at your week, and note which days you need to prioritize school and which days you can spend time doing other things.

The next tip may not be the most sexy suggestion, but it’s helpful in achieving the work/life balance we’re all after. Compare and share calendars with your friends or significant other; this way you can find mutual off days to spend time together (bonus points if you do this during course registration).

Once you establish the times you have with friends, having a standing day and time each week keeps you connected. For example, on Friday nights, I go for dinner with my girlfriend, and on Sundays, I go to church with my buddies from high school.

Another way to creep closer to a balanced lifestyle is by studying together. This works best with friends in your program and has the dual benefit of studying and socialization. Just make sure you have a plan, and make sure you stay on track.

During my first year of college in the US, I was a poor time manager. I always knew that I should be studying, but I only ever wanted to partake in the life part of work/life balance. 

That same year, an older teammate gave me advice that helped me go from a C student to an A student.

That advice is to treat school like a full-time job. Eight hours a day, five days a week. Sure, you may have to work overtime during exam season or do some readings on the weekend, but this is a fantastic general rule that promotes balance, even in the stressful seasons of life.

I hope this column helps you achieve a more balanced lifestyle this semester. Good luck.